I don't know. I feel like I was supposed to be all...
and excited like, and I just wasn't. I mean it had been the day from hell, with more fitting into a 14 hour window that should be humanely possible, but still. It was no vampire diaries from last week. It's like I knew what this episode was going to be about. Babies. and Saint Meredith. Every time someone was like, "oh no! how cruel that you did something unethical and illegal and now you're being punished for it, that's so wrong," I literally wanted to vomit.
I loved my girl Bailey tonight, for saying exactly what should be said.
you. go. girl.
And Alex. My poor Alex. They're better be follow through on this "arrhythmia" shit. MAYBE IT'S CAUSE HE GOT SHOT LAST YEAR AND NO ONE CARED. MAYBE THAT'S IT.
But I already know that because Alex's will never carry an unwanted fetus in his womb, that his storyline will never matter. [omy god, if they ever do that i'm done. i'm so done.]
I did love how he still came through for Mere at the end cause they're true bffs fo' life bro, and i'll fight you on this. I will.
The only other good things I liked, was per usual, Teddy and her hot husband. I fucking love him and his hottness. I could care less about their boring story lines, but as long as hott husband is on the screen, everything is okay. Hott husband is not allowed to die.
I did love how Arizona looked out for Karev, I liked that. My bb's gotta be looked out for.