Meme Postage

Nov 17, 2009 13:12

Well, sirenity posted this five questions thing, and I took her up on it. Then for good measure, I took brianlee up on it as well. If you want questions from me then just post a comment here saying, "I'm all-in."

sirenity's questions:

1. Apart from your love, who do you trust most? This is an interesting question as my default mode tends to be to trust people until they give me a reason not too. That being said, I'd have to say my dad gets the next spot for "most trusted" after Missi.

2. If you couldn't do law anymore, what profession would you choose? There are a number of ways I could go with this one. If I get to assume as part of the question that I'll earn as much as I want tol in the other endeavor, then I'm going to say playing poker professionally. For me the game has everything you could want in a career, it's mentally stimulating, always changing and presenting new challenges, plus it's fun. However, in the real world the likelihood of being able to earn a living solely off playing poker is pretty low. Another alternative profession I have considered has been being a professional mediator, but that's sort of legally related so it may be considered dodging the question. Alright then, the real answer - I think it would be fun to be a concierge at one of the high-end properties at Disneyworld!

3. How do you imagine things will go for you after you die? Well - dusty, at least as far as my physical form goes. As for the rest of me, I do believe that there is some existence beyond the earthbound one that we see. I'm not going to focus on exactly what that existence will be like though, whatever it will be will be. For now, I'm going to focus on living this earthbound existence. These types of questions always remind me of the most memorable quote I ever heard listening to a sermon - it went something like, "don't worry about whether you're going to go to heaven, you are. Worry about what you're going to do while you're here.

4. If you had any power in the world, what would it be? It would be cool to be able to travel through time and observe different events both historical and in the future. Observation only though, I've seen all the Back to the Future Movies.

5. What is your latest goal? I'll give you two: 1) to cash in Main Event of the World Series of Poker; 2) to learn Flight of the Bumblebee for the bass guitar.

Bonus Question: Meet me again in Vegas? In a heartbeat!

brianlee's questions:

1. What is the best thing about being a Lawyer? I like the problem solving aspects of the job. I represent people who find themselves in disputes and have a defined set of parameters they have to work with in getting that dispute solved. I like thinking up those possible solutions and then convincing the other side that's the right way to go.

2. The worst? Dealing with other lawyers who fight for now other reason then they like to fight (or don't know any better). Some guy today called me up and basically tried to extort me into taking a certain position and threatened to fight me on a certain issue if I wouldn't. The funny part is that the issue he is going to fight me on is only indirectly beneficial to my client while it is directly beneficial to his.

3. What is your current music kick? I like all kinds of music, but if I had to pick one kind I really get into it's acoutstic covers of other popular songs. Colin Hay has acoustic versions out of several Men at Work tunes from the 80s that are a good example of what I mean.

4. What book are you reading for fun these days? I have about three different poker books going at any one time.

5. Have you ever dreamt of living elsewhere? (where?) Not really. I was a military brat growing up, so I got very accustomed to different spots and finding the enjoyable parts in all of them. I think because of that, the idea of living in any certain place doesn't necessarily attract me, at least not to the point where I would say I "dream" of living there.

And BL didn't ask the bonus question, but I'd meet him in Vegas in a heartbeat too.
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