Mar 02, 2016 03:14
It's taken me almost 32 years to learn to start taking care of myself. I've begun learning to take care of my hair and how to style it. I've begun playing with makeup and learning how to do it. I have begun learning how to take care of my nails. I've even begun caring better for my teeth and learning how to actually floss. You would think these would be skills that I would have learned as a child or teenager, but my mother never taught me these things. My mother didn't really take time to teach me important aspects of being a woman. I learned most of what I know from reading books. I wonder why I am the way I am...not socially skilled or skilled at taking care of myself...well its because my mother never emulated these things to learn by watching her and I didn't have many other female influences that took any time to show me these things. I feel as if I'm ages behind my numerical age. I feel as if the things I'm going through now at 32 should have been gone through 20 years ago. We'll maybe by the time I'm 40 I'll have a better handle on this :)