Since I went to be so early last night, I woke up early this morning. I couldn't believe that on my first day of vacation I was showered and dressed by nearly 10:00. I was going shopping with my mom around 2:00, so I watched Phantom of the Opera in the living room next to my Christmas Tree. The last couple times I've watched POTO, it's been playing in the background while I do something else. This was the first time in a week or two that I've actually WATCHED it, and I'm seriously loving it.
Went shopping with my mom. I saw so many people there that I knew. Fortunately, the mall wasn't too bad. I ended up getting some presents for people, which makes me ALMOST done all of my Christmas shopping.
When I got home I watched Dark Shadows with my mom. It's very good.
Talked on AOL for a couple hours. Talked to Nelson for the first time in a very long time. It was fun. In the midst of talking with friends, I drew pretty much the most amazing picture on Paint of all time. This is it.
If that is not the greatest paint work ever done...I don't know what is.
That's all for now. Goodnight.