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Jun 13, 2005 01:44

Hey babes! i havent ^dated in lyke 4everas usual lol...there has been sum drama over the summer lyke gay ass rey grr hes such an asshole! but w/e...the good out weights the bad lyke how i am w/the sexy sisco-2months! :) he is the best,and i finally realized it! we went 2 a marlins baseball game 2day and then the coolest place in the wrold-the swap shop and then pizza-it was weird kus im not used 2 hangin out w/guys that much kus i usally egt tired of them lol,but it was fun i even fell asleep on him-w/e all i kno is i cant let him go kus he is so sweet and cares and lykes me so much-inside and out! lol yesterday was dezzis sweet 16 which was fun! i didnt get 2 really dance kus of sisco but w/e i still had fun...i love mah sexy dezzi she is mah babe 4 lyfe! and i also made^ w/venicia @ her party which was good but hopefully it lasts! and pretty much the rest of the summer i have jus been chyllen w/mah main people...christy,tanya,dezzi,burak, and shannon butttt this week shuld b excitin kus i got alot planned lyke finally chyllen w/mah long lost sister jaclyn! :) luv ya babe! haha well...i dunno wat else 2 write so0o peace out xo
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