Jan 17, 2005 13:32
I love Kill Bill, as sum of u kno lol...Urma Thurman is so tuff if the movie and nothing can hold her down,no matter wat comes her way...i wanna b lyke her! lol i dont mean goin out and killin people 4 hurtin me (that wuld b nice 2 though haha) but i wanna b able 2 b strong and move on and not let nethang hold me bak from doin wat i want 2. last nite i had a deep conversation w/sum1 i love, and it may have not been wat i wanted 2 hear but i was sumthin i needed 2 hear. i may have cried and been sad and ahted hearin it but now that i did all thati jus needa move on and not let it hold me down,i have 2 b strong lyke Urma Thurman...i may feel lyke i wanna kill that person but thats jus 4 now lol....so i really think i matured from this situation and i jus help im strong enof 2 move on and learn from it, even if it means bein w/out the 1 i want and care most about...so0o lemme jus say im SOOOO takin a break from guys!!! no bfs 4 me rite now! 2 much heartacke!!! thats really all thats been goin on...ima go work on mah homework so0o if nethang else happens ill post xo