Mar 21, 2006 23:45
Why I will not go to grad school. Thoughts by Heather Swezey
Throughout my life I have been lied to. I was told by hundreds of family members, educators, strangers, counselors, and friends that if you go to college you will get a good job make lots of money and find true happiness. Well friends, that is bullshit. I did what I was told, I went to college I graduated with 2 majors so where's my fucking job/happiness/money? I am sick of working crappy ass miniscule hourly wage jobs just to pay off my stupid student loans (that were clearly the biggest waste of funds ever) AND the mountain of medical bills that I have because of my inability to 1)afford and 2) secure a job which provides any time of medical insurance coverage. So to answer the title question of why I will not go to grad school is because I am not willing to put myself further into debt and the strands of this evil evil web just to find out that I was lied to again, that the*masters* is really the key to job/hapiness/money. What is worse is that after all of this "education" I find myself unable to *learn*. I have been programmed to test well. I have learned how to play professors for better grades. I have lost my desire for knowledge and the tools with which to truly find what it is that will lead to job/happiness/money. So fuck you everyone who lied to me and fuck you education system and fuck you grad school, you're not getting anymore of my time or money in the hopes of chasing goddam unicorns.