May 06, 2005 21:46
So nobody *asked* this question, but I will answer in case anyone happened to be wondering: The worst time to read the book "He's just not into you" is when you are on vacation 1300 miles away from your semi-demi-quasi-'boyfriend' and the two of you left in a funny awkwardness that you don't really understand and you know that he has read the book too.
But a gem from another book-"Don't let your mistrust ruin the trust you have built"
Time may have to tell on this one.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my dad's death and it almost felt worse than the actual day. A year ago I was surrounded by friends and family and the people I care about and know care about me. This year, I was with my mom, but I felt very alone. We went to the cemetary and for the first time, the headstone was in place. There was a realness to it that had not been before.
I am home for the first time in 6 months which is very odd. I had forgotten what it was like here. Compared to the Vegas, Omaha seems like a sleepy little town now. I also don't believe I could ever go back to living this close to my mother (under the same roof for sure, same city may even be pushing it)
Next Friday I will be at the Vanilla Ice concert in Alabama with my hetero-life-mate. HoooRah!
That's all for now.