a True Blood rant

Sep 09, 2009 18:53

I finally decided that after all these years, I'd reread the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I read them years ago when I was on a stint to read every vampire novel I could find and when I watched True Blood on HBO, I didn't know it was based on those books but I couldn't place where I heard the name 'Sookie' before. Until I looked it up and facepalmed myself.

So not only have I started reading them again, I watched the first season of True Blood and got myself caught up with everything. Man, oh man.

So for one, when I started watching True Blood, it was episode 3 I believe. 2 or 3, I don't recall. But when I watched it, immediately I was drawn to Bill, which I'm sure like, every other girl who watches True Blood is too. Like, I don't know, he just... was  mezmerizing, so to speak. I liked his character, the possessiveness, the protection, the everything. I liked that fact that he wasn't a complete monster (which at the time I didn't know that there were such things as other vampires so I figured all of them weren't). Of course when I watched the first season and saw the vampires from Monroe that changed my mind. He and Sookie are the type of TV show romance that I like. Like, they've got their problems and their complications, but everything seems to work out. I swear I've seen Anna's tits more than I've seen my own and I quite frankly never want to see Stephen naked or half naked ever again. But their sex scenes are so powerful that I really don't mind. I LOL'ed when he came out of the ground and fucked her on spot. That didn't happen in the book. I just think it was funny. And so random... Anyway, I was never a Jason person... only because when I started watching, he had already joined the Fellowship and that was unacceptable in my mind. UNACCEPTABLE. His character didn't really give me enough to like him until he started flirting with Sarah and recieved that underwater handjob. That amused me to no end.
I was never an Eric person. And still, I've seen every episode up until the season finale (which is next sunday) and I still don't have a thing for Eric. Not at all. His OOC-ness in 'I Will Rise Up' just made me dislike him even more. I mean seriously. I just don't like cunning characters like that. Who especially are worked up and wanting the main character who is... well, not really good. I don't have anything against Sookie, its just she isn't bright to me. Maybe its because her character is poorly written, I'm not sure. But I see the way her character cares for Bill and how Bill cares for her and yeah, it works. Don't fuck with it. And then there comes Eric and blahhhh. Maybe it was because from the moment I saw True Blood I was a Bill person. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Bill person its just now that the season is over, he's playing hero and I totally wanted to kick his ass for tanning in the Queen's Day Room instead of helping Sookie not let her life get sucked out of her by MaryAnn. He seemed careless. But he made me lol when he flung that guy from the Fellowship onto the tar.
I think when I saw the first season though, I respected Jason a bit more. Like, I got a better understanding of him and he made me laugh so many times. He would fuck another girl and I'd be like, 'Oh Jason. You silly goose.' And then he'd get in trouble. He's just a good character. Season one helped me see that.
I never cared for Eggs or for Tara for that matter. Her mother was funny in the first season though. Reminds me of my own mother. I hated, HATED, REALLY FUCKING HATED MaryAnn and I probably always will. She's an annoying bitch and so is Lorena. Tara also needs a good slap.
Hoyt and Jessica... I always thought Jessica was a pain in the ass but when Hoyt came into the picture, I really fell in love with them. They're near perfect together and even though Jessica fed from his mother, I know they can never be destroyed!
And oh my gosh. Lafayette. I fucking love him. And his AIDS burgers. When he humped his own living room, when he fed Arlene and Terry the drugs when they were under MaryAnn's influence, when he pictured Eric in Lettie Mae and Andy's body and totally shit himself. He's so funny. I love him. He's someone I'd be friends with. Totally. I was SO mad that he was one dead in the back of Andy's car in Living Dead in Dallas. SO ANGRY. But it made me realize I need to appreciate him in True Blood because he isn't dead.
And when Daphne entered the picture. I totally liked her. She was so cute and so goodnatured and so perfect for Sam. But then I just about shit myself and began hating her when she brought Sam to the sacrificial ritual. I was glad Eggs killed her. So fucked up that MaryAnn fed her heart to Eggs and Tara though. So fucked.
And I like Andy. I thought he was a jerk for trying to lock Jason up in the first season but in the second season where he became drunk and helped Sam and Jason out in trying to protect Sam, I was like, 'hmmm, Andy's alright. He's alright.'
Which brings me to my final thing. I started out as a Bill person and don't get me wrong, I'm still Team Bill! over Team Eric! but he wasn't my favorite. I never had a favorite until I watched season one. I'm more of a Merlotte type of girl. I just think Sam is amazing and he isn't dead and walking the Earth. When I was younger, I always had a thing for changing into an animal and I remember once in elementary school they asked me if I had one super power what would it be. I said I'd change into any animal (and I could walk through walls and teleport, but thats beside the point). I didn't get it so much in the second season (the whole Sam and Daphne are shape-shifters) but then in the first season I was like, 'OH SAMMM.' And then its history from there. Also, I won't lie, but he has the greatest ass in True Blood. I would've appreciated it if he took that apron off in New World In My View. SMITE ME, MOTHERFUCKER. Haha. And I swear, I think that's why I hate MaryAnn so much. Cause she wants to use him as a human sacrifice. When she came for him in jail and he turned into a fly, I was like, 'YES SAM, YES' but then the people under her influence almost got him and I was like 'NOOOO.' But of course, Jason Stackhouse saves the day, right?
With the final note about Sam, other than the fact that he has a NICEEE ass:


And that is the end for now.

true blood

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