so about Michael Savage and his son.

Jun 13, 2009 01:53

It seems everyone is getting pissed off about him. I've come to shed some of my own personal belief and enlightenment on this subject.

I got started on this when a friend of mine posted a bulletin on myspace about this guy. I've only heard of the one thing he said about autism and no, I don't agree with that as I have an autistic cousin and I do believe in psychology. Now a copy of the bulletin:

A few facts about Rockstar Energy Drink. It was co-founded by conservative radio host Michael Savage. It's current CEO is Russell Weiner, Michael Savage's son and a co-founder of the "Paul Revere Society" here in the States.

A few facts about Michael Savage. Better yet, here are a few comments directly from the mouth of Michael Savage:

"You want me to tell you what makes me sick? When I see two puffy white males kissing each other, I want to puke. When I see two women kissing each other, on the lips, as lovers, I want to vomit."

"When you hear "human rights," think only one thing: someone who wants to rape your son. And you'll get it just right. OK, you got it, right? When you hear "human rights," think only someone who wants to molest your son, and send you to jail if you defend him. Write that down, make a note of it."

"...children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia, that's my position. They're raping our children's minds."

"You know what autism is? I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is."

Disgusting, right? Michael Savage is reaping profits from the selling of Rockstar Energy Drink.

How about some facts about Savage's son, Russell Weiner?

Fact #1: At a Rockstar-sponsored concert at Concord Pavillion in 2004, Russell Weiner warmed up the crowd by chanting "Who's heterosexual and proud? If you're not, hopefully you will be soon."

Fact #2: Russell Weiner co-founded the conservative Paul Revere Society (with his father). In 2006, the organization had its tax-exempt status revoked.

Fact #3: Among the positions championed by the Paul Revere Society, and presumably by Russell Weiner? (1) Support for traditional marriage only; (2) deportation of all illegal immigrants; (3) eliminating bilingual education in all states; (4) requiring health tests for all foreign born people; (5) ending affirmative action; (6) closing off the borders; and (7) make tax cuts permanent and end class action lawsuits.

Russell Weiner, as CEO of Rockstar, makes a boatload of money off the beverage.

Do you like your money going to a family that champions hate? Do you want your money going to a man who says that autism is a made up disease? To a man who says that all LGBT people are sodomites who deserve to get AIDS?

If the answer is no, then don't buy Rockstar Energy Drink. And if you see a club - especially an LGBT club - serving it, please say something to the management.

Now personally and people are probably going to think indifferent of me but let me explain. There is nothing wrong with him. And what I mean is that there isn't anything wrong with what he is saying however, he chooses to be extreme about it and express pure hate of foreigners and LGBT. Hatred is wrong and it's sad to see he isn't understanding like some others, but claiming that you're angry and you want to kill him because what he says is wrong is also extreme too. You're no better than he is when that claim is made. Also, boycotting him won't do much good either and still are you no better than he is. The reason: he takes action for what he believes in but you take action against him. It's the same thing. And don't tell me it's not or that it's different because the concept is the same. Both persons are taking action and claiming their personal beliefs.

What you can say is that he is wrong. He can also say that you are wrong. Reason being is that you both disagree with each other and disagreements are made when both parties think that what they believe in is right, whether it is or not. You could say however, that people against him are sensible because they believe in civil rights. He believes in his own kind of civil rights, the civil rights of people that are much like the original settlers of America. Others believe in civil rights of every human being no matter what nationality. Personally, being in a country based off of having a reputation for providing civil rights to all humans, it should live up to it's name to promote other countries to do the same so equality would spread. However, it's not like that and it would be one damn good miracle if it were to change.

I guess what I'm trying to do is enlighten people to be more understanding of this. You can't hate someone because they think differently, especially him because chances are, you're probably one of the people he hates, as unfortunate as it is. Hating someone for those reasons doesn't make you the better person. People need to be more understanding of one another. I say this because people get offended when he gets offended about two men kissing each other.

Because Savage isn't an udnerstanding person and he has more power than most of us do (as he has his own talk show on the radio), people who disagree with him need to be better than him and be more understanding. Respect his love for the country and to keep it as pure as the original settlers. While others would demand the same respect, his extremist ideas prevent that and that is something that those against him must face and come to terms with.

Being understanding means to accept his views and know that those beliefs are his own and that there are many people who are ultra-conservative share those ideas and gather together because of the common belief. Understanding means that there is the knowledge that even though action can be taken against him, the farthest will be being banned in Britain because they don't accept hate. You can't take a man with power down nowadays. You'd have to have an army to take him down. And before you say, 'well let's get an army together and stick together to bring the man down', stop. Think.

Amendment one states the freedom of speech.

By wanting him down, you are taking his freedom of speech away. What would happen if someone took your freedom of speech away? Just because of disagreements like these? It's breaking the constitution to take him down. Which is why I say: he has the right to say that gay people are ruining our children. He has the right to say whatever he believes and even much more because of the radio.

All like you have the right to say that you're gay and proud and you support Harvey Milk and are for gay marriage.

You have the right to support, he has the right to be against. Logically, it's a fair deal.

And in other news way off topic:


understanding, rockstar, russell weiner, michael savage, equality, lgbt

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