day 1

Jul 03, 2008 23:49

This morning, I deliberately set my alarm for 7.
Instead, I woke up at 5:30, went back to bed, then woke at 6:30.
By now, I'm pretty fucking tired.

I woke up so early cause I wanted to wish Jeremy a good flight.
I was planning on just a message, but instead, he answered so I told him directly.
And his flight was at 9, to LA and from there, he'd go to Tokyo.
Well, an hour later he called to say his flight had been delayed.
And he'd now leave at 11.
Who knows what that boy did for the hours he had to kill.
Poor thing was so bored. I felt bad.
But he said he'd call once he got to LA.

So after all of that, I had my coffee,
Had my egg over rice.
Unloaded the dishwasher, washed some dishes and the counter.
Tried to keep myself busy until my dad got home from his doctor appointment.

I had so much time, I went through 4 characters on Brawl through All-Star.
4. Four characters: Meta Knight, Fox, Falco, and Diddy Kong.
I took a shower in that time as well. Did my makeup. Did lots of other things.

And finally, dad came home, blah blah blah.
And then I had to go to my hair appointment at 1:15.

And yes, that's my dad's head in the picture as well.
But this salon, is my favorite.
I'm really really picky about who does my hair, because it's a rare thing to have it done right for me,
and when I went here, I fell in love and now I'll only let them.
Or rather, my hair girl, Lacey.
She's so truly amazing. I want to refer everyone to her!
I'd be crestfallen if she were to leave.

Anyway, all I had was a bang trim and an end trim, cause that's all I need.

I knew it wouldn't take long, but it couldn't cause I had to go get Mocha
so she could get her nails trimmed today. At 2.

And OMG, at the vet, I nearly died.
Cause while Mocha was getting her nails done, I was waiting in the lobby
and at this hospital, it's REALLY nice. Really REALLY nice.
They had a little room with a big window for these cats they're were trying to find a home for.
It was a mother and daughter couple, Itchy and Scratchy, and they were all spayed and vaccinated
and the one cat, the daughter, she was walking around on the floor.
I sat down in front of the window and on the other side, there was a bench, inside the room.
The daughter, she jumped on the bench when she saw me and put her paws on the window and looked at me.
It was like, she chose me to take her home.
And of course, me having a heart too big for my body, I cried.
Cause I couldn't take her, since dad's allergic and shit.
[Angry face for him]

When I got home, everything was relaxed. Mocha sprawled herself on my bed.
In front of my fan and took a nap.
I myself, wanted a nap. But I couldn't, cause then Jen called.
She said she call later on, since she was staying at Shane's and Shane lives by me.
So she wanted to see me and we wanted to spend time with each other.

Later on, after I had dinner and after I spent my time doing absolutely nothing,
she called and said she and Shane were going to pool nearby and she wanted me to come.
So what did I do? I went of course.
And I must say, I love Shane. He's such a nice guy and he treats my sister so well.
I was happy. Plus, he bought me sushi and plum wine sake.
He won me over in a heartbeat.
And just for the record, since I can't hold in my record well,
I might be a little off. The headache's gone but I still feel... eh, weird. Buzzed? I don't know for sure.
So not only did we go to the pool, we went to have sushi down the street.
Screaming orgasms, unagi rolls, spicy tuna rolls, Philly Rolls were love. Good eatin' there.
So then he took us back to his place for a while I waited for Steph to give me a heads up on when she's coming to get me.
And finally, she did.
And now I'm here with her.

Tomorrow Jen comes home from Boulder, since she's got a few things to do.
Then we celebrate 4th of July.

And you know what, shit, I forgot my phone card.
But then again, I doubt Jeremy is gonna want me to call soon, so I can wait a while.

And I also forgot to make a post last week
Not only did we have dinner at Makino's.

about Harrison's father's organized event he had he calls: Hawaiian Shirt Friday.
Basically, business people get together to make business propositions to each other.

And here are a few pictures we took during that time.

Yeah yeah yeah, I know, we're cute. And weird. But mainly cute.

And so this concludes today's epic story.
Now I shall spend quality time, making love to Steph's cat, my nephew, Nick
and spending quality sisterly time with Stephanie.
After I make love to Nick. Many many times.

steph, nick, jen, jeremy, harrison, hair, mocha

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