Hey y'all!
For those of you who don't know about the darklord_news lj, you must friend them immediately! A fabulous community! It has frequent updates of any and all things/pairings to do with our lovely Tom/Voldy. Recently, to celebrate the 300th person friending the community, the mods at darklord_news made a fun wishlist for anyone who wanted to participate. Basically, you could make up to three wishes, and if other people wanted to grant your wishes for you, they could respond and tell you wish granted! Then they told you the date your wish would be granted, and eventually post a link to your wish.
So anyway, my wish# 2 was this:
I wish for this:Tom/Hermione art. Also....this is like one of my biggest fandom crazy fantasies, so I might as well say it here. If anyone has read any of my Tom/Hermione fics and wants to do a little illustration to go with it, I would seriously freak out and die. Um, in a good way. But if you haven't and you just want to draw Tom/Hermione in a scenario of your choice I would love that as well.
The lovely, magnificent
canonfodder123 responded, and has just let me know that she has finished the art.
Here is the link. Really check it out, it's so amazing! It made me so happy. ;o)
(Also cross posted on my lj.)