Okay Its been fucking forever and ive been hella lazy! from my last entryu til now... Ive... Gotten a new deck almost destroyed my new
deck,eaten sushi filnmed a skate video passed english written an essay read a comic book almost landed a switch heelflip drawn countless cartoon gotten in jealous rages cried and eaten nmyu first meximelt!!! and theres still so much more that i dont care to talk about so now that thats all over! im sitten here at my moms work bored outta my mind.... oh yeah got a myspace <"Here it is"
http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=13183485&Mytoken=20050429104414>.... and im gonna skate around here in a bit ya know.. just to pass the time.. then im gonna go to school and see if anyones gonna do anthing after school today... well laters and i will defenitly keep an update!~!~!
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