It's a Burton and Depp Kind of Day at Comic Con...

Jul 23, 2009 19:45

...At least that's what I'll remember as the highlights of the first full day at SDCC. :-)))

Huge thanks to my daughter and her bf for literally sleeping on the grass outside the convention center from 6 pm Weds. evening so I could join them at 6am Thursday for the last few hours wait to snag some coveted seats in Hall H. Unfortunately, the TWILIGHT ( Read more... )

comic con, torchwood, alice in wonderland, naoko mori, avatar, johnny depp, john barrowman, tim burton

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johnsheppardluv July 27 2009, 18:48:36 UTC
Hi there, Nina! :)

Moookiecrisp aka Sharma here. :) YOU recently friended me back over at YT, just last night, and then I found that you had an LJ too? Well, I just HAD to friend you here as well! :) Hope you don't mind! :)

You seem like such a generous and nice person tho...AND you are a fellow fan of the Barrowman and the Tennant. :) Therin lies part of my reasoning. I really would like to have more Barrowman fans on my friendslist. :) I have some Tennant fans, but no big Barrowman ones yet...

I'm also with you on the Twilight-unlike. It's a sickness, and it's NOT even a GOOD sickness either. *annoyed sigh* *lol* I'm also sooooooooooooo much more a Burton fan than anyone realizes. After all, I grew up on movies like his Edward Scissorhands, Frankenweenie, Beetlejuice, Batman, and Batman Returns rather than Care Bears and the like. ;) I was born near Halloween (the 11th of Oct) in 1983, so maybe that explains some things. ;)

I was an English major in college and now I'm writing books for a living. That's my bliss, you see. Writing stories that entertain and maybe also make you think too is wat I want most more than akmost anything else right now.

I'm a pretty FAR LEFTY liberal too, who believes in equal rights for ALL people, no matter wat, and is intensely upset over Prop 8, which in my opinion is NOT constitutional at all, and treats people it affects like they were subhuman, which smacks of a new kind of slavery or new set of entrapping bonds to me. I thought we were done with that kind of exclusion, with the advent of the women's movement and civil rights movement and lgbt movement of the 60s and 70s, and it really irks me that we've come this far, only to be backtracking on a whole bunch of things we shouldn't be...My mum was a part of two of those uprisings (she was born in the late 40s and came of age in the mid 60s)...and i guess i'm part of the newer wave ones, you might say. ;)

Oops tho! Sorry for the long rant! :(

But - Anyhoo - wanna know more? Just ask! :D I'm really quite friendly and I love conversing like nobody's business...

Oh! Funnily enough, I always dreamed I was a Cali girl at heart, even tho I'm an East Coast girl by actual geography...via central VA. to be exact. :)

And I saw the Alice preview alone while in a theatre for another film and I was giddy for THAT film, more than the film i was actually there to see! lol ;) I only wish it were coming out THIS year, NOT next year. *sigh*

But, I just bet that seeing Johnny Depp in the flesh made your day. It woulda made my whole weekend tho, if not for the fact that John and David were still to come later on in the weekend. ;) To be honest tho, seeing those three together in the flesh woulda made MY DECADE! ;)

Just sayin'... ;)

a new pal
of yours,
Sharma :)

PS Edward Scissorhands (he of Johnny Depp speech patterns and body and a twisted Burton-esque soul) IS my all-time fave early-ish Burton film, and one of my fave films, period, too. ;)


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