(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 14:24

hello girls !!!

ultimamente me he sentido mmmm podria decirse que contenta, feliz... completa!!!! las cosas ha estado bien ultimamente con Mike
el fin de semana fuimos a la casa de uno de sus amigos por que hiban a tocar and oh god are they goood !!!! they played so deam good we were all dancing jeje... i met his friends girl friends they are all so funny they were all getting drunk with their girls shots every ten minutes !! and ofcourse they invited me to do it to so why woud i say no to a shot (i got like 6 shots in all night thnk god did not get melancolic like i always do !) but i had looooooooots of fun !! cann't wait for march 11th they'll be playing that day again..... haaaaa all of this makes me miss my friends all of them !!!!

lallal en la scuela las cosas estan bien i've been learning how to use photo shop it's so nice but the video that we watch every class make me go to sleep...and well my brain gets slower so that makes it harder to pay attention and do things right.....but yeahp havin fun !!!

god ecconomi at my house has never been soooooooo bad just like my sister said that if in tijuana we were almost poor we would be pooer if we moved to the us !!! and ooooh god she called it and its happening ....so yeahp may be my mom, dad, and sister, and borether will move back to tj ...possibly we don't know yet .....but yeah meee i would stay here....may be with my cousisns or LIVING WITH MIKE!!! para lo que mis papas me harian que me casara antes que nada !!!cosa que seria bueno pero que miedo !! y aparte el no quiere casarse todavia hasta que yo viviera con el por lo menos medio anio para saber que tal funcionarian las cosas y pues no tener que gastar tanto dinero en boda y luego divorcio wich is something that we should not be thinking about because the were is all the love that we say to feel for each other.... but any way i'd like to live with him....to wake up every morning by his side, to have someone to come bake home for ....to have fights and then get all happy together!!!..... but well this may only be dreams we don't know yet.....

ok.....well eso es un update de mi vida hasta hoy espero no haberlas aburrido con mi vida que esta hecha nudos.....

cuidense mucho y recuerden que las extrani un ch&*$#@!#go!!!!
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