Jul 13, 2007 13:15
I didnt write this, and I forget where I got it from- so a lot of things dont exactly apply- but I think this is pretty much me, haha. I dont really believe this crap about empaths and ect, just thought it was interesting...
"~Startles easily~
~Abhors confusion~
~Very sensitive to bright lights~
~Notices subtle changes in the atmosphere~
~Needs to retreat within themselves to become focused~
~May have a tendency towards alcohol or drugs to escape at some time in life
from all the stimuli or confusion around them~
~Feels physical pain more than others~
~Has a strong affinity with animals.~
~Loves children and children love them~
~Often have premonition-type dreams~
~Prone to migraines and tense muscles~
~Often get involved with people who have a lot of problems~
(Thus leaving ourselves open to getting hurt deeply because of trying to help others)
~Feel that we have a "mission" in life to make others understand~
~Will often tolerate a lot more abuse than other people do, even though we are hurt deeply~
~ALWAYS misunderstood by others~
~Insensitive people tend to think that we are mentally ill or wacko~
~Often thought to be hypochondriacs by Dr.'s, because we are prone to sickness that comes from others~
(i.e. Test results may show nothing, but we are still sick nevertheless)
~Can feel physical or mental pain from long distances~
(Such as from people we are close to)
~Feels an affinity with willow trees~
~Empaths usually work in a helping profession or are poets, musicians or artists~
~Tires easily and naps frequently~
~Attracted to gems and crystals~
~See through people into their souls and beyond their masks or games~
(A lot of people are afraid of us for this reason)
~Are often looked upon as being soft, stupid or an easy pushover~
~Usually have a great sense of humor~
~We are the best listeners on earth!~
~Very faithful as a friend~
~An accute sense of smell and hearing~"