"It's not about who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left your side"

Jun 28, 2005 00:05

This entry is dedicated to a completely amazing friend of mine.I met this girl my freshman year of college and immediately realized how wonderful she really was.I subtly tried to copy her because I looked up to her so much.( i even tried to get my hair to do that little turn under thing like hers does...unfortuately for me, i dont have great hair that will just do that like hers does.hehe.)
More importantly though, as i got to know her well, i was amazed at how comfortable i was with someone that i hadnt even known for very long.She is never judgemental and always looks at things from all points of view.She has always gone out of her way for me, whether its just to listen to a problem that i have,or to make me laugh when im feeling sad. I was so upset when she graduated because i was afraid that our friendship would die out. But,if anything, this past year has shown me that our friendship is stronger than it was before. Ive realized that i tell her things that im reluctant to tell a lot of other people, all without hesitation. And I've realized that she is one of the best friends i have ever had. Pseudo twins by choice, friends by heart... I miss you Jen Deppe!Thank you for being the greatest friend a girl could ask for--i dont know what id do without you!!!xoxo
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