I need new clothes desperately.
I keep looking in my wardrobe and having nothing to wear, that's really scary! Problem is now that I've lost my job it's not like I can afford to just go out and buy whatever I need to.
I'm really torn on this one guys. I really really REALLY want to train to be in the Police but at the same time I can't go on the four months with just a voluntary job. I know if I go without the money It'll be worth it in the long run, obviously because I'll have a job I enjoy, but how am I going to pay my parents keep, my phone bill, the money I owe, my student loan? How am I going to sort out any of that? It's really starting to stress me out. If any of you hear about any simple admin jobs with flexible or part time hours then let me know T_T
Last nights new years party was pretty good! Not much ACTUALLY happened but it was nice to be in good company with a drink in my hand. Something I haven't experienced for loooong time! XD
Photos of:
Me before we went out. Me and Jackie Me and teh wines Me sitting with friends Me and Maz (BAD POUT ALERT! :D) And finally, me licking a door frame :-s Speaking of the alcohol, after having had a drink or two last night I can safely say that I haven't missed much on these past few months of an alcohol ban. I'm thinking of not bothering at all anymore. I mean I'm not using drink to cope like I used to so theres really no need for me to use it. I'm just as loud, obnoxious, troublesome and as much of a tit sober as I am drunk, so theres no point.
As for 2007 I have never been so happy to see a year end. Good riddance! Here's hoping that 2008 will be spectacular.
I have decided on my New Years Resolutions.
They're quite impressive in my humble opinion! I don't think I've ever been this serious about them at all. Then again I've never needed to be this serious about them XD Some of them will make big changes in my life, others will be smaller but still hopefully have the desired effect of self-betterment and the greater good of the global community at heart. Sort of... Anyway, here goes!
1) Start studying for my maths and science GCSEs again. When I finally get them, I want to pass with at least a C. D isn't good enough!
2)Apply to join the Special Constabulary first and then the Police second. Stop calling them the Pigs or the Bizzies though -_- I may not be taken seriously in the interview!
3) Donate to at least 2 charities monthly. One will be Cancer Research and the other will be the RSPCA
4)Stop being a total bitch. If I think I'm about to say something nasty about someone for no reason then STOP! Think, and walk away from the situation.
5)Spend less money on clothes. This is going to be a toughie but it's much needed. Richie will die of a heart attack one day if I don't stop spending.
6)Be nicer to Richie. I'm a cow to him and I don't want to lose him so I'd better get my act together.
7)Start enjoying myself more. I've got my health back and I'm doing well with my weight loss so I should go back to Kuk Sool, practise Parapara and go out more. Chase gloomy thoughts away!
It's a long list and I'm sure some of them will fail to materialise, but come on! Let's give it a go. Nothing bad can come from me trying! Good luck with your resolutions guys!
Another thing that's on my mind is just how much I'm dreading tomorrow. Please just let us get through tomorrow. Has it really been a year since we lost our Jo already? I miss her so much. ;-; Just let me get through tomorrow and I'll concentrate on working hard, on being a better person.