Have we met?

Oct 03, 2037 00:01

Posts are "friends only" by default because I'm too lazy to consider if something should be friends-locked each time I write an entry. Trust me, there isn't much to my LJ; I just ramble about my current obsessions and maybe reminisce about some old ones. I exist elsewhere on the Internet, but I'm not going to tell you where. Though it shouldn't be *that* hard to find me.

Random stuff:
☆If someone is being a bitch, just remember Childhood Lesson #312: Your enemies are enjoying life while you're too busy hating them.
☆I went to grad school because I want to do this...I think.
Photo is...
☆JE=Johnny's Entertainment=Record label, NOT to be confused with Johnny & Associates. And it pains me that pretty much no one cares.
Chicago has a blog! Follow it and bask in his beauty. (^_^) chicagokun
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