3rd Incident || Droned.

Aug 18, 2011 16:02

[ Hello Mayfield! It's quite obvious that there's something immediately wrong the second one would see Lust and Edward walking down the street.

Both of them are together. And pleasantly smiling. Lust's hand gently rests on Edward shoulder's as they walk through the town. Edward, on the other hand, is holding an axe.

ooc: Red is Lust, Gold is Edward. ]

All right, Edward, but you did drink today's milk from the milkman, right?

Of course I did! There's nothing better than a glass filled with milk!

If only the other people in town realized that. [ obligatory drone pause ] Edward, I'll get you a new toy but only under one condition!

Oh! A new toy?! What is it mom?

We have to convince the other people of Mayfield to drink the milk. It's the law. Plus, mommy wants to show off her new manicure.

All right! Gee, that sounds swell!

You're the best son a mother could ask for, Edward.

[ And so, the mother and son duo will be parading the town and approaching you personally, with the biggest smile on their facecs. Whether or not you're a drone doesn't matter! They want everyone to obey the law ]

[ ooc: Lust has her ultimate spear back. It can basically cut through anything. She doesn't have her stone back which means she's able to be killed. Edward has no regains. Please put in your subject how far you're willing to injure them (Death, light injury, heavy injury, etc), or no injury (I can handwave drone!lust is not used to using her spear). Replies will be in the order of you -> Lust -> Edward! Also, feel free to put up whether or not you want someone else to join your thread since 2 vs. 1 is hardly fair, but since when did Lust play fair. ]

*event, mayfield you are made of dicks, #edward's tears are delicious, lust you are not the mother, corrupting the youth of the united steak, #rudolf's tears are delicious, edward is my son?!, this is the worst, oh mayfield y u suck, where is gluttony ):, #hawkeye's tears are delicious, #blu spy's tears are delicious, someone will die for this, she's up to no good, i cowrote my immortal

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