Because I'm not THAT bad of an influence

Mar 28, 2010 00:49

Let's blamethank xfirefly9x for getting me roped into it, but as I like it very much, thus far, I am now shamelessly pimping it! A chance to fangirl about all things Whedon and, hopefully, reconnect with the fandom that is Firefly (the only fandom I've ever truly loved, to both my pleasure and detriment, sometimes)? How can you not give in (*glares at Mer*)!?

If you do decide to join up, don't forget to say it was luxuria_oceanus *points to self* who sent you, from Team Firefly, DUH XD (You don't have to be in Team Firefly, though... there's a team for Dollhouse, Angel and Buffy *nod nod* All good teams, I'd say!)

(Promo image done by lar_laughs *nod nod*)

flist love: xfirefly9x, i pimp: communities

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