Sesa rec list 1

Dec 27, 2006 00:14

Ok, I still have time for my first Sesa recs! So, yay.

After reading the wonderful story written for me, that is still making me go “YAAAAAAYYY” because I loved it (I even recc’ed it to a friend of mine who loves zombies but hates slash and he’s going to read it. Because, Zombies), and read it again, a couple of times, I got to read all the *N Sync stories, so now, before authors are revealed, I want to give my first rec list. With summaries, and impressions.

(If I can read everything before author’s reveal, I’ll be happy).

Anyway, on with the show.

My absolute favorite so far is, of course, Party Like it’s Nineteen Ninety-Nine. I loved it so much, I still get giggly over lines and scenes. And I already squeed like a loon over it, so I won’t do it again. But go, read it. Because it has zombies, and the guys, and I even liked Justin there.

And with that, we follow with the rest of the Chris/Joey stories.

There isn't a single Choey story I didn't like this year, and there were six. Which is the most Choey I've seen in a sesa as a read. So Yay! for the OTP.
Second place ribbon goes to Pastries & Mistletoe, for milosflaca, which is an AU with Chris having a bakery. And a grumpy Joey, and a surprise pairing that I won't spoil. But hey, bakery. And food. And since I love to do cakes and cookies, it was like wow.
Third place ribbon in the pairing goes, jointly, to the other four stories, because I can't pick a favorite:
Optimistic, for ariadnascrp, where Joey is writing a book. And he goes to talk to everyone, and Chris is so Chris, that I can almost hear him say his lines.
To Hark, for ephemera_pop where the guys are angels and it's so sweet and so sorrowful that it breaks my heart and then fixes it piece by piece. Besides, the guys, with wings. How can I not love it?
All about time, for edie22, which is a very short piece set in this reality, and Dancing with the Stars, and it's very short, because it goes with the title. It's about Time. So you should read it. Now.
Like a Big Pizza Pie for JackieB, is a very fun read where Chris is totally clueless and the guys are helpful. And saying more would be spoiling it, so I can't. But it's good too.

So, six stories and all of them great. Every single one of them.

Now, I read every single one of the fics, and choosing favorites was a bit hard, but I guessed this was a rec post and not a 'summarize everything' post, and besides I have to take out my own fics from this lists anyway, so if I listed anything but mine it would be kinda obvious so...

My favorite GSF was, hands down, Welcome to the Neighborhood for Lydia, a cute, sort of domestic AU where Joey moves in to the neighborhood where JC, Justin, Lance and Chris live in. Kelly, in particular, is amazing here too.
Another GSF I loved was What comes Around, for nopseud because it is set in the real world and the guys's voices are perfect and the ending totally blew me away. Particularly the ending, is one of my favorites in general.

I've been finding the joys of TrickC (Still second place in the pairings list, but it's a firm second place), so it was a pleasant surprise to see so many TrickC stories. Which made pick favorites harder. In fact, while I'm only picking three, they all are amazing. And the 'three' thing is just to be able to finish this post in one sitting.

Tripp'n for Den is a great story where Chris takes JC to a trip. To the snow, actually, and there's a surprise guest pairing cameo and it's fun to read JC's take on skys and stuff.

Until I find the One for Ninjetti has one of my favorite plot premises post-hiatus, after, of course, the guys getting together. Chris defending JC from everything is a sight to behold.

Call it what you want for silveryscrape is magic realism, and a ghost story. I love ghost stories and this one is sweet, and haunting. And this particular JC is one of the most grounded I've ever read, so yes. Love it.

Now, everyone in my flist knows I don't read Timbertrick. But in the spirit of Sesa, I went, and I read them all. And there were two that still make me laugh when I remember them so, go and read:

There Can be Only One,for Merry, which is a sort of crossover with Highlander, and also has a bit of BSB, and Chris is *so* perfect that I went and re-read it despite my personal preferences.

Metafictional, for stubbleglitter, I think has been in every single reclist I've seen. And with good reason. Because it has the answer to the question everyone wants to know, of course. Want to bet if Lance knows about Fanfic?

Trickyfish is a pairing I will read occasionally, and the fics this year are a very good sample to start with the pairing.

Heart of the Jungle, for Jacie, is an historical AU set in Brazil. My favorite part of it all was the banter between Chris and Lance, and saying more would spoil the plot, and it does has a good plot, which makes it a great read.

Always Known for Rainbeaux Sue is a funny story set in the present, that takes a bit of advantage of the Reichen situation (And I can't believe how many fics went around that. Shows how much we love our canon). I seriously can't say who I love more in this story, if Lance or Chris.

Windows 2006 for Pen is one of those Magical Realism stories, where something really insane happens to the guys, and they have to work around it. This time is windows that open to other times. And of course, it happens to Chris because that sort of thing only happen to Chris.

There were very few JoeC stories this year, only three. Of those three, my favorite, hands down, was In the News, for Madame D. *N Sync is a punk band making their break through in 2006. The whole story is told in excerpts of media and blogs, which made me think that, if *N Sync had happened now? It would have been totally like this.

I don't read much JuC since in my mind they're much more like brothers, but from the six stories posted this year, the ones I would reccomend to someone who doesn't get the pairing but wants to read a cool story would be Photographs, for Glenda, that showcases JC's feelings for Justin through a long time, Oprah's Book Club, for Iconis, where Justin gives JC's a self-help book to find his perfect mate, and Okay, That's Life, That's a Wrap... for Megan, which is an AU where the guys are stunts and F/X men in Hollywood.

There was just one JC/Lance story, which really surprises me as I remember when Bassez was the popular paring of the fandom, and two Joey/Lance which is equally surprising. And three Justin/Lance. I honestly thought those three pairings were more popular. Of all those, my favorite of the bunch was The Politicos (This Machine Kills Fascists) for Mary the Fan, which really surprised me as Lambs is not a pairing I like to read, however, it has a very interesting subplot even when half of the political talk was kinda lost on me as my country government works a bit differently.

And that's for the *N Sync fics. I'm still behind feedback, and I'll do the crossover ones next... as soon as I finish reading. YAY! reading.

fan fic:sesa, fan fic:recs

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