Oh, dear. I wanted to do this since before New Year's, but family, work, and other headaches prevented me from doing so... Sorry, sorry...
Now, I did this last year, and I loved to give a bit of spotlight to everyone :) And thus, here's again the Sesa Reading List because trust me, every single story deserves to be read twice!
(Yes I included mine again, because at 7 hours before reveal, I still have time to be anonymous)
Choral Harmony (also Joey/AJ) This is an AU that doesn't really feel like an AU since it's so... *real*. Sure, the guys aren't famous, and in fact, the 10 sparkly boys are together (YAY!) but at the same time... it's hard not to imagine things going like this. Also, has open relationships and those work wonderfully in popslash. 0 angst, and that's even better for this season.
Barking Mad Oh! I love stories with magical realism, and even more the ones who have people turning into things. And we were missing this in popslash, you know? So here, Chris turns into a Chihuaha. And Lance has to take care of him. Because, of course, Lance is the only one of the five equipped to do that. My favorite part? As weird as it sounds, it was Justin's reaction to the whole thing.
Alter the EndingOok. this is a bit angsty, since it deals with the end of the Lou era, and that's always hard. But at the same time, the author managed to show everything great about sending Lou packing, all the new open paths for them. And that's adorable, because you really, really need a happy ending when you remember the *canon* behind Lou.
Crushed There's very few things more adorable than puppy love and this story encompases that perfectly. It starts with JC feeling a bit creeped out by the knowledge that Justin has a crush on him, and it evolves from there in a very organic manner. My favorite part was Lance, but that's because I can't help but love a snarky Lance.
Back to DecemberAs joyful as the season is, sometimes we need a bit of angst. And this story has angst to spare. It hits you right on the stomach and won't let you go, but at the same time, it's so well written that it flows normally. You can't help but feel what's going on, and if you have dry eyes at the end, I'm sorry, you have no heart.
Harmonious Havoc There are stories that make you want to reach out through thte screen, grab the boys and shake them until they listen to reason. And Harmonious Havoc is the story where the *other* guys take care of that problem by shaking the main guys until they listen to reason. So it's a win win :) Also, JC is adorable here.
Down the Rabbit Hole There are some very weird cracktastic stories in literature, and Alice in Wonderland is one of them. And while this isn't exactly Justin in Wonderland, it does has some parallels. Also, it's homely. And I love homely stories :) (There's also a second pairing, but it's a blink and miss one. And lovely too)
Sing this song with me This is a wonderful story about evolving feelings. The first line gives us the first timeframe, and it moves up from there. The one thing you take from it is that Justin knows what he wants, and he will never stop until he gets it. And that alone is perfect.
The Pussycat and the Porcupine (Also Chris/Howie) Another AU, and one AU that I can't help but Love. Chris is a DJ, JC is a poet, and everything falls down so perfectly, I want to pet this story and call it George. Also, the Porcupine metaphor is so perfect here, that I can't find words to explain why is so good.
Falling Back This is a very bittersweet story, full of pentup feelings, but at the same time, full of hope. I can't describe it more without spoiling, so go and read it. You won't regret it.
The pussycat monologues (Also AJ/Nick) This story made me ROTFL. There's no other explanation, no other possible description. It all begins because JC doesn't want a cat, but gets one. And the cat is great, and maybe psychic, and maybe someone else... and its full of maybes but at the same time... is so logical and realistic. A great story, especially if you love cats.
NKOTBSB+*NSYNC (also Backstreet Boys GSF) This story touches what we all want. Confess it, we want the three bands (+Kevin, of course) together in one stage. So here, we get it. And the hows and whys work so perfectly, that my only complain is that we can't make it reality just by wishing it so.
It Stops BulletsI could also describe this one as "The one where Justin *really* has much time on his hands", if I asked Lance. Or "The one where Batman makes sense" if I asked Joey, but I will just say that it's a veyr nice and funny story that draws a lot on the complicated relationship between Justin and Lance, and at the same time, makes something new and different.
Seeing You Again for the first time Although JC/Chris is not my favorite pairing ever, there are stories that make perfect sense with them. Stories that make me see why other people ship them and make me want to hug them and get them together IRL. Seeing you Again is one of those stories. Because, really? It's all about opening your eyes.
Regrets I have a few I hate, hate, hate break up stories among my guys because I feel like I have to pick up a side. But Regrets doesn't let you pick a side. It just tells you a story, and it's so beautifully woven that makes perfect sense. Not spoiling, but it's also a sotry that had me reaching for my handkerchief at the end.
You're the One for Me, you're my ecstasyAnother for the ROTFL pile, just picture Jc and Chirs at the BSB cruise. Makes a lot more sense when you read it, believe me, and if by the end you're not humming Get Down, you're dead. Because it's so cool. And also has clueless!JC for a while so that's so cool.
The Dark Wheel of the Zodiac An epic AU of Epicness, with vampires, werewolves, fated loves and starcrossed destinies. If you love epic fantasy, you'll love this one. I love it so much that I wish it was longer, because there's a lot to explore in this particular universe, that I think should've revisited. Soonish.
SpinOh, this is one of those stories that makes you think they could be real. And it's so easy, to see JC and Joey and how their relationship grows and changes through time. So much love between them, and a couple of missing moments that make you wish that they just talked to each other, all with a wonderful ending.
The Third time is the charm Chirs is a genius. Only this time is a literal one. And Joey finds his lamp. And despite the fact that it could derail into I dream with Jeannie but with boybands, the author makes it her own story, with her own twists, and a heartmelting end.
The Fellowship of Misery OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Yes, the story for ME!!!! And once again, my Santa hit the nail completely. There's not a single word I don't love of this, of watching Chris as a successful comic book artist, and Joey as an interior designer (And so totally like Eldon from Murphy Brown!) and the comic! The comics! So good that I wish they existed! And if that was not enough, Kevin makes a cameo, and what a role! And if I keep screaming, I'll make you go deaf so.. yay! Go, read this wonderful funny story! and love it as I did!
BittersweetThis was the year for the memories, because the nostalgic stories were out with strenght. And this one gives us a very noble Howie, and a wonderful Nick and a very vivid way in which things could've gone. A sweet story for a sweet pairing.
The Tale of two spys (I can't sleep without you) There was a lot of AJ/Brian this year, and I had never thought of that pairing, to be honest. Here, we get a spy AU. Like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, only with a good plot and better characters :D AJ is amazing, and Brian is Momma Bear, and you really, really have to read this one, guys.
Tooth and claw If there's a lesson to be learned is: Las Vegas and Alcohol make a great mix for a story. Fake Marriages and true love are a great combination too, and this has all four. I love AJ throught this story and I wish I could hug him and tell him all will be good at the end... but you should see that for yourselves.
This will destroy you Another bittersweet story that starts with a breakup, and those are painful, yo, because you want to hug them all and tell them not to worry. Tell them you love them and that they love eachother and it will work out. Sure, real life is not like that, but fics can be. A beautiful story, that will get you sobbing from the second line until the end.
I cannot Lie, I cannot deny Another story with fake dating, which makes me think that maybe AJ and Brian did something because it was funny to see them together like this in two stories in a row. And this one is so funny, you can't help but laugh because you know it's not going to work, and yet it can work and well, you just laugh.
EldoradoAnd this, ladies and gentleman, is a wonderful historic AU that gives you a perfectly plausible What if. The only thing missing was a soundtrack, because it makes so much *Sense*. And if that's not enough to make you read it, think about Brian in drag ;)
Turn of the tideThere are stories that just make your heart go AWWW. and this is one of them. Because it's so sweet. and soo adorable, And you want to hit AJ on the head because he doesn't listen and... AWWWWW. Seriously. It also made me cry, butt that's because I miss my turtle, Kame-chan.
The Boyband Spirit.(Also Chris/Nick). And speaking about the NKTOB, they also appear in this one, where Nick has to be reminded of the good things he has in life. And again, we need to thank the NKOTB for the joint tour, as it gave us a lot of new canon to play with.
Five times Howie didn't lose it If there's a sort of canon pairing in the BSB, I think it would be Howie/Kevin. They just make sense, you know? And in this story, you see why. Because they just Fit
Grand Exit I love, love, love Caper films and con AUs and this one has it all. Because Kevin was born to play the role of Danny Ocean if we can't get George Clooney. And of course, the guys work perfeclty on a team, even if they're not singing.
I survived the apocalypse and all I got was this tattooApocalypse Au's are fun, and they're even more fun if you add a bit of a time skip to it and make your guys feel completely lost. And this is just what this story does. And it also has a surprise!guest star from a different canon and those are always a great, great addittion to the fun.
Now I'm homeA story about lost love and found friendship and another things that I can't say or I'll spoil the story. I'll just say that Nick is so perfect here, that I just can't help but want him as my best friend.
Something new Wedding Fic! and what's more, wedding shop Au!! And if you can't see Howie as the owner of a bridal shop, I think we can't be friends because, come on! it's so perfect! And Nick, poor, poor Nick being the butt of the problem, and Brian, being adorable Brian (And I can't believe I'm saying that since I usually don't like Brian!). A fun story, with a perfect ending.
Merry Christmas, Baby There are no words for the sweeteness of this fic. It's melting. It's adorable,. and the one thing I got out from it was.... AWWWW. With all caps.
Scratch an eyebrow and make up your mind As a general rule, I don't like incest fics. However, I read everything in sesa, and this particular story is very sweet, as it works the relationship very subtly and well done. It's completely on Kevin's POV, which makes it work so well, I read it three times.
With Youthis is a very short vignette, a scene between the two, but it's so well written, it's one of those "If I close my eyes, I can see this really happening" stories. Kevin and AJ together make a lot of sense, and this is going to remind you of that.
Agreement The best part of AJ/JC working together is that now, we've got canon to get them together :) And this is one of those stories, when they do manage to work, and love, and still have some hurtful moments, but making it all work in the end.
Memories (Also Lance/Justin) If you're in the mood for nostalgia and love, this is the story you want to read. But the best part of it is that the memories are one thing, and the present is another, and they both work perfectly well when put together too.
This too shall pass (When Morning Comes) Another evolution in time, going from when Lance was still in the closet, and hated the Backstreet Boys, then to the time when he came out and... well, hate is too strong a word. A very fun story, that will leave you feeling good.
Working in a Winter Wonderland No MTYG is complete if you don't have at least one absolute Xmas story and this is it. And now, we've got elves working in Santa's workshop and JC is in the music depatment and Nick is so cool and just transfered there. Beautiful story with a very beautiful background.
I knew this would happen Just so we're clear, JC is not psychic. Psycho, maybe, but only sometimes. A nice, domestic fic where Nick gets, for once, to try and be the voice of reason.
Kisses on TourIt is very rare to see Chris act like the older brother to the others in *N Sync, but this story is the perfect example of why it should happen more often. Also, Chris and Howie are a perfect couple here, completely into each other.
Nothing says love like a pinecone on your seat(or a frog in your pocket)Now, Brian might not be my favorite Boy, but man, Chris/Brian do work perfectly well together. And here, prankster!Chris really shines, with Brian following through showing that he can dish it as well as Chris. You might end up feeling sorry for the others.
The Feeling that I lost today I've always wondered why these two don't get paired more often, given their places in each group. This is an AU, where they aren't famour, but it still works in the same frequency as if they were. And Justin, who is at times clueless, is adorable, while Nick and JC get to shine... a lot.
And well, this is it for this year. There were a few missing pairings, but we always get next year (Although the many NKOTB fics made me quesiton if next year we'll get a new band in the process). And , well, you only got like, six hours now but... Whoever figures out what story I wrote this year, gets a chibi again ;)