Oh, dear. I just let this go since I got in Nano and the new job (WEEEE), so I hope it's still useful to you.
First of all, I'm a Chris girl, as you might've guessed from my requested pairings and... well, my icons, and my fics. I love Chris Kirkpatrick, so as long as *he* is in the story, I'm happy (And since all the pairings I asked for were Chris/someone, I think you got the idea). That said, I'm not too fond of the image of Chris as a sugar rushed toddler that was popular in the first years of fandom. The man was almost at his 30's* when he started Nsync, and, if we're going by the 'official' explanation of the origin of the group, was the one who created it, so I love to see my Chris a bit less Ritalin poster child, and more just happy to be alive. (My fanon-mental Chris's song theme would be Always look on the Bright side of life, if that helps any)
I love Joey the flirt but also Joey the devoted father and Joey the faithful husband. Which is to say, if you have to include Kelly, don't make him cheat on her, because that makes me sad. You don't have to include her (Hey, if the pairing is Chris/Joey, Joey can be Chris's faithful husband/partner/whatever), just don't bash her. I like her a lot too. Same goes for Briahna. She's Joey's kid, and it's obvious he loves her, so unless you're writing AU or Early years, just don't disspaear her or make her an obstacle.
Kevin... oh, I could write essays about how much I love Kevin Richardson in his role as den-father of the Backstreet boys. He's serious, and sometimes too strict, but in general, I imagine you can see a very fun-loving man under that facade. Same as with Kelly, I like Kristen. I don't like to see her bashed, so if you must, just say they didn't marry or something. As I said, I love the wives a lot.
(In my mind, btw, Chris/Joey are sort of like Tulio and Miguel from ROad to el Dorado. A pairing that makes sense because there's no other possibility. On the other hand, Kevin/Chris are my Odd Couple. They make sense because if anyone can make it work, it's them. That is to say, both pairings are my OTP, and both pairings are equally loved by me. You won't go wrong by chosing either, there's no 'I love this more than that'. Hey, I've only seen a threesome with them once, and I'm pretty sure it would work too :) )
My favorite eras are, of course, when the guys are together. My favorite Chris-era, looks wise, is the Pinneaple madness time, but as long as he's there, I'm happy. I like the family-like dynamics of both groups, so if the others appear -even if it's just a small cameo- It would be great. My least favorite is Justin, but that doesn't mean I don't like him to appear in fics. If you check my own stories, Justin appears -and is the main character- more often than not.
That said, I love gender-bender (Especially when the guys are still guys at the end. I like the ocassional 'what if X was a woman instead of a man', but I *LOVE* the "X woke up as a woman, then some things happened, then he was back as a man, angst, angst, happy ending. I know, Iknow, I just summarized The Same Inside. I need to find a link to that fic again), I love fantasy and sci-fi AU's, I love angst with happy endings, and I LOVE long stories that you can print and then curl up in your chair with a hot cup of coffee. However, I dislike Mpreg with a passion (Seriously, no mpreg. That's my HUGE no no button), can't stand rape-fics (dubious concent might get a pass, but in general, I like both partners equally agreable to the situation), and sad endings just depress me.
My favorite tv shows are Eureka, The Walking Dead (Which also reminds me: Zombies. With me? You can't go wrong with Zombies), White Collar, Lie to Me, Haven (Also, anything Stephen King-like. I LOVE Stephen King), All the Laws and Orders, Raising the Bar, Psych, Bones, CSI (Except Miami), Dexter, Castle (BIG favorite right now), House.
My favorite videogames are Silent Hill and Resident Evil (did I mention the Zombies? Love them)
My favorite movies are teh Evil Dead Trilogy, the Of the Dead original two movies (Zombies again, see the pattern ;) ), Zombie Land, Shaun of the Dead (Still noticeable), HOWEVER, my cheer up movie of all time is Tootsie, followed up by anything of the Pythons. I LOVE that kind of dark humor (Hell, I forgot to mention Black Sheep in myzombie movies... sheep zombies, and that's a nice concept)
But all in all, if you have a different idea that doesn't fit with anything I just wrote, follow up with it :D As long as I have Chris and (joey or kevin, or kevin or joey, again, no exact prefference for any of the two), I'll be a happy girl come the 25.
So have fun :)
nopseud helpfully reminded me, he was 24. Not almost at his 30's. Still, he was not an hyperactive 13 years old.