Because other people need help

Jan 16, 2010 10:20

I already told you about the chibi I offered up in help_haiti. And because I was doing some time managing calculation and realized I have a bit more time, I added three things. First, that for every 10 dlls above the starting bid, I can add characters so you can ask for couples, threesomes, and even the whole group if you want ;)
Second, I added an offer for other 4 sets of chibis, with the same conditions, and you can bid for those here. 4 higer bidders (well, 5 if you count the first offering) get the art :)
And because I'm also a writer, and Sesa and nano taught me a lot about what I can write and at what speed, I also offered two 3000+ word fics, this time only popslash as it's the fandom I know best (I might love Eureka, Criminal Minds, Rising the Bar, and all the Law and Orders, but I'm not confident enough to write fics on those fandoms yet), here. Bid starts at $2.
I wish I could offer more, but I know that 5 chibis and 2 fics are about all I can do for this Feb. 14. If the deadline was in March or something, I would offer more. Hell, I'm tempted to offer a full body comission like the art you usually see here, as long as my deadline to hand it out could be middle March.

So, again, go and check help_haiti because even if my offerings are not to your liking, you might find something you'll love.

rl, art:chibis

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