Sesa games

Dec 28, 2009 14:56

Sesa is here, and I'm enjoying it a lot :D

So I decided to repeat last year's offer and offer a nice chibi for the lucky people who guess what did I wrote this year :)

I wrote two stories, so you get two chances to guess. Whoever gets one story right, gets one or two sparklyboy/girls (or, given the love for bandom around my flist lately, a bandboy? bandom boy? What's the correct term for them?), whover gets the two right, gets up to three in the same drawing :) Yep. It's your chance for the OT3 crowd ;)

So, with that said, there are a few people who are disqualified from trying one or both.

Milosflaca betaaed both, so yeah, she can't participate at all. (Sorry Au, but you're a great beta!)

raynedanser betaed one of the stories, but you Den can still try and guess the other (And you get the threesome if you want, as man, you did a great job for the betaing)
nopseud betaed the other, but I'm guessing she and the MtYG mods know who wrote what anyway, right? So that would be unfair for everyone else.

OH, and Au and Ari? I would love to offer this to the Saint Seiya Sesa too (with Saint chibis), but I don't know where, (or if anyone would actually recognize my style)

ETA: It helps if I screen comments, right?


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