Well, I said I was going to talk about it. Sure, it's like two weeks after reveal, but last year I didn't and I felt awful about that later on.
First of all, this year I got the wonderful
Bellow Falls by KC that hit my Sci-fi loving bone and, even better, caught me just as I started watching Eureka, so I was totally into the 'small towns with weird inhabitants' mood. It is one of the sweetest choey fics I've read in a long time and I really, really recommend it.
My fic... well. Let's say that this year, I had a thousand things going on in my life when Sesa hit. I was having computer problems, lost almost half of my bittybang fic, and had a deadline for a comic book on the same day as the fics were due. Any rational person wouldn't have signed up for Sesa.
Anyway, the sparkly gods of sesa were watching over me as I got Mette as my recipient. Now, she might not be in my friendlist (And why isn't she? I should correct that), and she is more of a bsb girl than I am, and she always asks for sort of weird pairings (Brian/Joey was a bit out of left field to be honest with you) BUT I had already had her once in Remix. So I had read every single one of her fics twice, AND had a very good feel for what she liked in her Brian characterization (Even when I usually don't write Brian). Even better, she had just been uber nice to me with the bittybang issues so I wanted to give her the best possible gift that my writing allowed.
So as soon as I read 'Brian/Joey, plotty romance' I knew I was going to write an AU, and in a nod to an old tv series I loved and my own love for Greek Mythology, I decided Joey would be Cupid. It fit, you know? And Psyche could be Kelly, so Brihanna would be Bliss. Sure, that particular plotevent was completely erased, but it did work. And I had Howie be the cathalist because I knew Mette loves Howie and thus I had to give him a good role. The fact that yes, Mexico and Latinamerican countries have a very weird catholic/magic tradition only helped to make the plot take a better shape.
Now, unfortunately, I was still working on Bittybang at that time, so I couldn't start on Sesa right away. I had a lot of false starts in my head until I hit the 'wait! Saint Anthony! OF COURSE!" epiphany because that's such an old tradition here that you can find songs that mention the fact that if you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you have tu turn Saint Anthony upside down (The fact that Joey's second name is Anthony was just a happy coincidence). And that of course gave us Howie's family (heavyly based on Milosflaca's family. She tells me a lot of stories about them, and a little around mine). However, as easy as the plot and the major scenes came to me (The dancing scene was, of course, inspired by Joey's watlz on DWTS), the time to write wasn't that easily found,w hich meant that, with the deadlines and all, I was writing *during* the convention then reaching home and writing it again on the computer just for it to be on time.
And while I had to ask for an extension, It was on time. Thanks a lot to
otherdeb who, despite having her own things to do, also managed to beta it on record time so it would be ready so
Love, Seriously was in the site one hour before closing time. Yay us!
Then, flash forward to the 23 when Aurea tells me that one of the writers for the Saint Seiya Sesa never reported. Not to say she was late, or even ask for an extension, or even to quit. Simply never appeared. And her reveal date was on the 24.
And you know what kind of a person I am. I just couldn't let someone go ficless on Sesa day, even if I sort of despise the Saint Seiya fandom ever since the 'reccing fanart is just like stealing' fiasco.
So with 24 hours to go, a fandom I haven't written in years (And who are *very* picky about characterization and canon vs. fanon) there I was. My prompt was 'Milo needs help for some awkard situation' I believe, and it had to be a romance. How did I got from there to what it was actually the "tight spot" dont' ask me, I was a bit sleep deprived at that point. It was a short fic, and I wish I had had more time to write a bit more, but if you want to see me playing in other sand boxes, here's
A Tight Spot. The recipient liked it, so I guess that's the important thing :)
And of course, sleep deprived or not, I can't wait for next year :) I simply love Sesa writing time :)