very sorry I dropped off the face of the earth (Again) but the past three months have been... hetic at best.
first there was the Oubilette deadline, that I'm sure AU told you all about. I had only to color the pages I already had, but that didn't mean it was easy, not when my 'pro' magazine deadline was also in those days and I had a huge problem with the multimedia department (Long story short? They had a month to do the DVD of said magazine, didn't use all the material I gave them, never accomodated their times to record all my colaborators, handed off the things to someone who was just learning how to do a DVD menu, and the end result is that that magazine I handed over three months ago is still NOT on the newstands!)
Then my laptop's keyboard died.
Then, as I was starting to look as if there was a light at the end... My PC died!As I type, it still won't turn on, no matter what we do.
SO I change EVERYTHING to my non keyboard working laptop.
Then the con came and I found out one of my two assistants from way back then died two months ago. Not to mention that the con itself let much to be desired due to bad organization.
And now... well, Mom was a sweetheart and gave me a new laptop as my birthday gift, so I spent the last days updating everything again... so I'm here again :)
(DId I mention that among the stuff that I Can't get back are 4000 words of my Bittybang? That's one of the two archives that I *really* hate that I lost)
musiclover03 and
raynedanser because I missed your birthdays, sorry
otherdeb and
ravenbat for not being around to chat (I *really* miss our nightly chats) and sorry everyone but I'll try not to dissapear again.
OOH! and given Mexico mail, I'll be opening a screened post for anyone who wants a Holiday card from me soon.
AND now I go back to drawing as the NEXT Oubilette's deadline is DEc 18 and I *really* want to participate in the SESA so I have to finish 32 pages of pencils before October 30 to be able to sign in.
(and Bittybang. 4000 words lost. Sigh. Well, back to the writting board)