(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 18:50

Here she is 10 monthes old now... 10 monthes of feeling every single emotion there is to feel.
I am soo overworked, BUT so blessed and grateful.
My miss Adeline, how i adore you.
We went to Disneyland yesterday and I held her and noticed how much I hug n kiss her so instinctually, and then i wondered, what is that. US mothers, that we just do it without even thinking, even when they are sleeping.

Does it do anything really I wonder. I know that for a second when I have an abundance of love for
her, a kiss, a hug, a little Squeeze is a little release for the jumble of things inside that feel like they will burst.
Lukas is soo wonderful too, man, I love being a momma, ( even onthose flippin insane days)
see what disneyland brings out in u:::))
it is truly a magical place
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