new fuzzies for fall

Sep 10, 2008 00:19

so, i have been so out of sorts. i have bad nightmares and can't sleep and then the migraines. today, i worked through it because i had stuff that HAD to be packed up to go, which takes me for goddamned ever. i am so so slow. not slow...scattered, so there is more getting up and down than there should be. scattered. my blood pressure is always killer low, so i try to set up where i need to be and sit. it i have to run all over the place, i really wear myself out. anyway, i did some spinning for orders and a bit of carding, packing, labeling and more. i didn't talk to anyone. didn't eat breakfast, just fed the girls and had a coffee. around 7 hours into working, i started to feel really shaky and hungry, so i made us burgers from this amazing free range local angus i got at the farmer's market. even a bit overcooked, it tasted soooo good and made the whole house have that bbq smell. so yummy. or maybe i was super hungry. i am hungry now. i am trying really hard not to eat late at night, which is the main time i eat. annoying.

the only other thing is that sara barracuda scares the shit out of me. i read up on her a bit, but honestly, i hated her the second i heard her speak. she is just everything that i loathe in the world, and somehow, being a woman, makes it even worse.  oh hillary, where have you gone?  i am very liberal, but i try to stay out of politics (jake and the rest of my family are very involved, my inlaws are all conservative republicans, even chirs and marlo, so i don't ever talk about it to them) but honestly, it just scares me. the republican ticket is scary. if he dies, she is going to run the world? she has burned bridges in every place she has worked or held office. for example, she okayed putting sales tax on EVERYTHING including food in alaska where so many people are poor and have small children. read up on it. you will be unhappy too. and maybe the republicans will be scared enough to not just vote because they should, but vote for the best candidate that won't leave us poor, uneducated and homeless. off of the soapbox. it just worries me more than these things usually do. i had the same feeling about bush and look what happened. we all know i have a bit of a 6th sense, so.

last, i ordered this amazing book that was recommended on someone's blog, i think maybe tricia? was it you? anyway...if you like smart children's books, or art, or illustration or have kids, get it.  here
seriously. it is amazing. i am ordering one for my niece, she will love it.

xo everyone,
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