6 a.m.? seriously? seriously.

Apr 17, 2008 07:14

first off, i know that loads and loads of regular peeps wake up early. i just don't happen to be one of them. i have always been a poor sleeper, even as a kid. except in the car. then i sleep like a bomb. i couldn't really sleep last night. i had a bad headache, was out of the good medicine, took the only one i had, a nasal spray, and as always, it bunged up my nose which already had a load of fiber in it from my new electric carder (!!!!!) so i just didn't sleep at all. it is almost 7 a.m. now, the sun is amazing, the birdies are chirping, the cats are all snoozing, although soon izzy will be chatting with the birdies. she enjoys that.

yesterday, i woke up feeling okay. i felt so okay that i was a bit giddy and didn't have my coffee or breakfast, took a shower and just got to work and worked all day. i sat outside with peeps in the back yard, she loves eating grass and rolling around, so i worried a bit that i would make my lupus react, but g-d do i love it. peeps does too. i made a bunch of batts, i plan to do some more and because the teeth on the carder are so shallow (although barbe suggested moving them apart more) the batts are twice as wide as my louet, but very very thin and fine, so i might do two batts that actually make up each batt, if that makes sense. the carder is not as powerful or noisy as i had planned, but i have never used any other electric carder so i have no clue. i also have no clue to adjust it, so i will have to attempt to find info on it. it is from the 70's i think. the damn thing bit me several times, too. bugger! because of running my hand over the card to keep the fiber smooth among other things, my hands feel burned, they look baaad. i need to try to find a smoothing brush. even a stiff hand held broom might work. anyone with suggestions, drop it on me.

i got orders packed and i need to photograph the new batts, weigh them and the fiber i have so that i can list it, plus send off packages to a couple of people who have patiently been waiting forever. sorry guys.

i will leave you with this amazing video clip and hopefully show you the purdy new batts a bit later.

crazy on a theremin. insane. seriously insane.

crochet, drumcarder, gnarles barkley, batts

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