ms. peeps is really constipated again, except that now, she isn't eating. this cat is a super eater, even though she is really petite, she has always been a pig, so when she turns down tuna, i worry. we had one more of the pet-enemas, which we gave her to no avail, nothing. she pooed out the blue enema gel and some bum goo, but that was it. she also barfed up some bile (i assume) and was just really lethargic. she went down with jake and ate a tiny bit of tuna and drank some water, which i think may be all she has had in two days. i had a migraine that kept me in bed all day and i even slept last night. i woke up from a dead sleep at 3 a.m. (i think) and ran to the bathroom in a cold sweat and was sick as a dog. after showering, i got sick again and then fell asleep until this morning. i have had waves of nausea all day, too. maybe i got it from peeps. anyway, where that is going is that i was literally unconscious all day yesterday, so i have no idea if peeps ate at all, but i doubt it. she normally does come to see me, or will lie next to my legs, or in the bedroom, but most often she sleeps in the bathroom laundry basket/pile and over the last few days, she has been much more affectionate and clingy, which is odd when cats feel sick, they normally just want to be alone. anyway, she is really smelly, even though i tried to clean her up with baby wipes, so she will need at least a bum bath tomorrow. she has such a fuzzy bum. sigh.
that said, i am supposed to go to san francisco on monday and if peeps isn't eating and looking better by sunday, i can't go. i know from my sweet black cat egon, when they get sick, especially when they are older cats (peeps is 15, believe it or not), things can go bad fast and i can't expect gabe to force feed her or to follow her around to see if she is eating drinking and cleaning her bum. so wish peeps luck, okay?
otherwise, i did get another of the ghost house mixed media collages done, i didn't get photos yet, but here are a few action shots...
i initially was using fine tip brow ink and then using a wash over it for the outlining, like on the last house collage you saw, but the tips just don't work so well over the different textures and gouache, they refuse to write every 5 seconds. eventually, i realized that i just need to get better at doing fine lines with a brush, and it went much better than i had expected. i do need to get a few new fine brushes and spend a bit more money on them. i have lots of japanese calligraphy brushes, but they are in bad condition from using them for washes. still, i feel like it came out okay. i am still having issues with the shingles on this one. i ramble.
i am sleepy, so off i go. snoooooooooore.