Gossip Girl.

Feb 04, 2009 08:53

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YouTube finds of the week include Chuck Bass/3OH!3 clip mixes. There's another one that isn't 4 songs (it's just "Don't Trust Me") after the jump.

This week's Gossip Girl was meh. I didn't realize how annoyed I am with the series until I sat down to respond to AJ's email this morning. It should be pointed out that I watched all of season 1 and all of season 2 up til winter hiatus on my laptop. In approximately a week. So this waiting a week between episodes thing (OR NOW FIVE WEEKS BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEW GG TIL MARCH?!?!?!) makes things drag, and makes me realize just how INSANE some of these storylines are. So please, enjoy my freak out from my AJ email under the cut.

I freaking yelled at the television too for Serena to take the picture. I think I was yelling "TAKE A PICTURE AND SEND IT TO GOSSIP GIRL S... DOOOO ITTTT" It would have been much more fun than sending it to headmaster Kweller (I've seen it spelled Queller, but obvi I'm going to go with the Ben Kweller spelling cuz it makes me happier).

Also why would anyone over 18 want to sleep with Dan? He is THAT GUY. In fact, I KNOW him. His name is J--- H------ and he did Teach for America after going to [my 2nd choice liberal arts college] and now he's going to Columbia to learn about poor kids and education and he lives in Manhattan with his girlfriend--sorry, wife--who married him to get her green card. HATE HATE HATE. HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE. HIS STORYLINE NEEDS TO FADE FOR A FEW EPISODES, whenever we get episodes. Gossip Girl, you are DEAD TO ME until you stop being a prick about taking these unnecessary breaks!!!

Chuck's storyline bugs the SHIT out of me because it's stretching it a little EVEN FOR CHUCK BASS. I haven't seen Eyes Wide Shut, but since that's the conclusion my Mom drew, the internet drew, and even the EPISODE ITSELF drew, I'm going to assume that's what the writers plucked it from. WHY? Seriously, guys? Remember that time you put him in an opium den cuz his Dad was dead? Wasn't THAT going a little beyond belief for a teenage boy--even one from the Upper East Side? I've had to stretch my imagination A LOT to accept things with Chuck, but having him involved with some secret sex society that will bring down the NY governor so a nanny has to be murdered to stop it? No. I can't really take that. Chuck/Blair, please. Bring the HIGH SCHOOL ESQUE drama between two star cross'd high school alphas because, last I checked, this show was about TEENAGERS FROM THE UPPER EAST SIDE. To me, throwing in this weird shit is like throwing in Luke's daughter. ANNOYING AND LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF BAD FANFIC.

I agree that I would like to see Nate again, but could Vanessa give him crabs or something and get cut out of the goddamn show? Now, Nate having sex with that lady in the Hamptons? That was believable. What woman in the Hamptons doesn't want to have an affair with a strapping young lad like Nate? The royalty ties were a bit out there, but still believable for both Blair's relationship and Nate's. Fine. Whatever. You know what I find less believable? That Nate could continue to date Vanessa and not want to punch her in her female-version-of-Dan face! REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE MAKING OUT WITH LITTLE J? Yeah. That was more your style. A girl with substance, but wait!!!

WHERE THE HELL DID ALL OF LITTLE J'S SUBSTANCE GO? Jenny Humphrey? Dan's glad you lost the raccoon makeup, but I AM NOT. Especially since I picked up on that style for myself to some degree (I MISSED YOU, BLACK EYELINER). This also goes along with the where's Eleanor thing... Yeah, Jenny's back at school because she stopped having her mid-teenage crisis, but I would think that she would continue to work for Eleanor after school and design part time? Be a freelancer? Because APPARENTLY SHE WAS TALENTED ENOUGH TO DROP OUT AND DO IT SO WHY WOULDN'T SHE DO IT PART TIME WHILE SHE'S GETTIN' HER LEARN ON? Why do we just drop all this cool shit about Little J and let her turn into pathetic mush that writes Gossip Girl teacher rumors on her hand to show Daniel?

Oh, and Eric, I miss you, even though you've become Token Gay.

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