Fic: Remember When 6/?

Apr 24, 2010 05:25

Title: Remember When 6/?
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1004
Summary: Brittany's fourteen...
Warnings: None really
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, blah blah woof woof.

Brittany's fourteen.

She thinks things now are weirder than they ever have been. Okay, she's a Cheerio now, which she always thought was a breakfast cereal, so at first she couldn't understand why Santana was so excited when she was dragging Brittany along to the try outs. But Brittany likes Cheerios (the cereal) and she loves Santana, so she went without much of a fight, and when she danced for Coach Sylvester she was told straight away that she had a spot on the team. She gets a uniform and some pom poms, and now everyone at school acts like she's something special.

Brittany doesn't get why the uniform makes her special. Santana's been telling her she's special since they were four years old and Santana learned how to say special in English.

But she's not denying it's nice. People who laughed at her because they thought she was dumb, still think she's dumb but now she's hot, which is sort an interesting and bewildering transition to make. Brittany looks at her face in the mirror when she's in the bathroom getting ready in the mornings, and she doesn't think her face looks any different in the uniform to when she's out of it. But according to the student body at William McKinley High School, the uniform makes her hot.

Apparently the uniform makes Santana hot too, but Brittany doesn't like what else it does to Santana. It feels like she's trying to prove something, though what Brittany doesn't know and doesn't think she wants to know. Santana's done with Matt, has moved on to Noah (whose name is Puck now, go figure), because Quinn didn't want him anymore when she realized that he really was a jerk. Santana says she doesn't care that he's a jerk because he's a good kisser, but that only made the sick-stomach-prickly-neck feeling come back, so Brittany changed the subject.

Brittany's fourteen and she's kissed a boy. Matt's friend Mike is cute and nice and he kissed her after Cheerio practice - after his football practice - underneath the bleachers, and it was soft and warm and a little bit wet but Brittany didn't understand what was so special about it. She told him she just wanted to be friends, and he said that was okay, and that she was still the prettiest girl he knew, and that made Brittany feel sort of warm inside. But she still doesn't want him to be her boyfriend.

Brittany's fourteen and she's at a party. It's not her first boy girl party, but it's her first boy girl party that's not just at someone's pool in the afternoon. It's dark out, and Matt's parents are home but they're upstairs, and all the kids are downstairs listening to music and drinking soda and they're playing Spin the Bottle. Brittany doesn't get it until Santana whispers in her ear, and she feels kind of weird about the whole thing, but the kids don't laugh at her so much anymore, so she doesn't want to make them start again. She sits down in the circle between Santana and Mike, Mike who is looking at her with this look of hope on his face, and she takes her turn.

She spins the bottle and it lands on Noah - Puck - and she grimaces but she kisses him anyway, and he uses his tongue, and even though Brittany's heard of that she didn't know how gross it would be, and she really doesn't understand why Santana thought he was such a good kisser. She's glad that she doesn't have to take another turn until everyone else has had a turn, right around the circle. Quinn spins a boy called Finn - he's one of the kids from the other elementary school - and they kiss for so long that people start laughing and clapping, and when they break away Quinn's face is all prettily red and Finn looks dopey and bashful. Santana spins Puck and practically launches herself at him. Puck spins Mike and everyone cracks up laughing and Puck makes them let him spin again, and he gets a girl whose name Brittany doesn't know, and then it's Brittany's turn again and she spins.

And it lands on Santana.

And Brittany doesn't see what the big deal is, she's been kissing Santana on the cheek since they were four and first met, so she leans in. And suddenly the boys are whistling and hollering and she hasn't even kissed Santana yet. Santana looks weird, hesitant, but she doesn't try to make them let her spin again, like Puck did. She leans in and Brittany's lips brush hers.

It's soft and warm and a little bit wet, and Brittany doesn't really feel anything about it, one way or another. She doesn't not like it, she guesses. After a second, though, that changes, and she decides she does like it. She likes it a lot, in fact, much better than when she did this with Mike (maybe it's because it's Santana, who knows her better than anyone else), but it's done now and her eyes flutter back open in time to see Santana pulling back, her eyes wide. The boys are cheering and Quinn looks kind of intrigued and disgusted at the same time.

Brittany's all tingly, and she thinks she wants to do that again, but Santana gets up from the circle in a hurry, grabs Puck and drags him outside. The next time Brittany sees them it's sort of hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, they're kissing so hard. She gets that prickly neck flipping sick stomach feeling again, only this time she really does throw up. Then she calls her dad to come get her.

It's a couple of days later and Brittany is lying on her bed thinking when there's a knock on her door. She doesn't say come in but Santana comes in anyway. She sits on the bed next to Brittany and doesn't say anything.

Brittany wants badly to talk about happened, because she's not sure exactly what did happen, apart from they kissed and then Santana went and let Puck eat her face. But she knows Santana, knows how stubborn Santana can be, and knows that if Santana's not talking, she doesn't want to talk about it. So they don't talk.

Santana digs around under the bed and pulls out Brittany's crayons and coloring book, the one with all the Disney princesses, and they start coloring, even though Santana says that they're too old to do this sort of thing. Brittany likes coloring and it's something to do while she waits Santana out, so she focuses on Ariel, on mixing blue and green crayon to make her tail the right color, and then Santana speaks.

Did you like it, she asks. She doesn't say anything else, but Brittany knows what she meant.

Yes, she replies. Short and simple. She hadn't seen what the big deal was then, and she didn't now. I liked it, she says, and she's never seen this look on Santana's face. She looks... torn. Happy, really happy, but at the same time scared.

Me too, she whispers, then looks back down at the picture of Snow White she's working on. Brittany stays quiet. Santana's working through something in her head, Brittany's smart enough to figure that much out.

We can't tell anyone, Santana blurts. Brittany thinks she knows why, because they're both girls, and even though she doesn't think that's a big deal, clearly Santana does. She nods even though she doesn't really understand why Santana's so scared, and when she nods, agreeing that they can't tell anyone, Santana smiles properly, finally. She leans in, and they're kissing again, and it's even better the second time, because there's no one watching. It's just them, and their lips together, soft and warm and a little bit wet, and no tongues, because when Noah did that it was gross. Even Santana admits that, giggling, when Brittany gets up from the bed and puts on a movie.

The sick stomach prickly neck feeling is gone and in its place is just warm and soft and safe, like sliding into a big bubble bath. They don't talk about it anymore, they don't do it again, cos it was nice but it's done now. They sit and they watch Finding Nemo, and Brittany's happy because things are finally back to a way she can understand them.

And there are no stupid boys making things weird.

Wanna chat to me? Go ahead and add me, I'm always keen to hear from new people! venite angeli on AIM!

brittany/santana, remember when, pg

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