Title: Security 34/?
Pairing: JJ/Prentiss
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is how it starts, with a friendship that can't stop from becoming more.
Warnings: Femslash, some language.
Spoiler Warnings: None
Author's Note: Life.
I'd like to thank
queenof1000days for her continued encouragement and inspiration as I tackle writing this behemoth. She's been invaluable and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. Security is dedicated to her.
Word Count: c. 1239
Disclaimer: Without prejudice. The names of all characters contained here-in are the property of CBS and their respective creators. No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and are used here without permission.
In the end, JJ decided against a trip to the BAU. Harrison wasn’t in any condition to play with Garcia and Morgan, and she didn’t want to set a precedent that any time something went wrong he would be guaranteed a trip to see Mommy. For today, for now, Mama would have to do.
And Harrison was okay, more or less. His sobs had faded to whimpers before they were even out the preschool door, and he was asleep in his seat before they were halfway home. JJ pulled into their driveway and turned off the engine, taking a moment to gather herself before picking Harrison up out of his seat and carrying him up to his bed. She kissed his sleeping face and left the room, going down to the living room to call Emily and tell her what had happened.
Minutes after she hung up the phone with Emily it rang and Sarah was on the line, offering apologies and explanations. Angela, it seemed, had been reprimanded before for unprofessional behavior and offending parents. The incident with Harrison had been her last warning, the final straw, and her employment had been terminated. Sarah asked JJ to reconsider pulling Harrison out of the preschool, because as upsetting as the day had been, he was actually starting to settle in.
“Look, I can’t make that kind of decision on my own,” JJ said finally. “I need to wait until Emily gets home so we can discuss it, but I have to be honest. If that’s the way discipline is dealt with in your preschool, that’s not an environment I want my son in.”
“I assure you, Angela was the exception and certainly not the rule,” Sarah said. “Please, give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt.”
When Emily got home she was prepared to run to Harrison, but JJ stopped her. “He’s asleep,” she said softly. “And he needs to know that… as much as you love him, you’re not always going to come running for every little thing. He needs to be able to calm himself down, or he’s never going to be able to function in the real world.”
“I don’t want him to feel like we abandoned him,” Emily fretted.
“He doesn’t feel like that at all,” JJ promised. “Baby, as soon as I realized what was happening, I was right under that table with him, and when I managed to get his attention, he DID take comfort in my presence. He’s forming healthy attachments, to you, to me, to Jack and the others - it’s just going to take some time for him to acclimatize fully.” She leaned in and kissed Emily softly. “You’re doing such a good job with him.”
Emily sighed. “I’m sorry. I feel like all my time lately has been taken up either with him, or with the job… and I don’t want you to feel abandoned either.” She tugged JJ closer. “Last night was amazing,” she murmured, and JJ let out a breathy giggle.
“I couldn’t keep my hands off you,” she said sheepishly. “I just… wanted you in every way I could think of.”
“I never want you keep your hands off me,” Emily laughed.
It had been six months since Emily and JJ had first kissed, three months since Harrison had come home with Emily, and apart from a couple of setbacks, most notably Harrison’s meltdown in preschool, things were progressing well. Emily knew she would have to wait eighteen months before she could even think about applying to legally adopt him, but in her head, she saw this less as a waiting period, but more as a time to prepare. While the time ticked by, she could be getting all their ducks in a row - and marrying JJ would be a good first step.
As the weeks passed, Harrison was opening up more and more. It wasn’t unusual now to have Hotch, or Morgan, or even her mother stop by and “kidnap” Harrison for the afternoon or for the night. Emily felt like Harry spent as much time with Hotch and Jack as he did with herself and JJ, and Morgan had never quite recovered from how charmed he’d been to be called a “noble knight” the first time he’d met the little boy.
And Elizabeth Prentiss had been the real shock of the piece. At first, her input had been limited to gifts - there had been the bicycle, and another time a trampoline (which Emily was convinced that Morgan and Reid liked more than Harrison did). When she heard that Emily was reading Enid Blyton books to Harry, she had a full set of Famous Five mysteries giftwrapped and sent over. But as time passed, the presents slowed, and she replaced them with herself. Confident now in letting Harrison call her Mommy, Emily had allowed her mother to start referring to herself as Grandma around the little boy, and he had picked it up with gusto.
Emily had never seen her mother smile quite as widely as she did when she first opened the door and heard Harrison shriek “Grandma!” and leap into her arms. She might have been jealous if it weren’t for the fact that Harrison was actually bringing Emily closer to her mother as well.
Harrison had gone home with Elizabeth after the weekly picnic, leaving Emily and JJ with some rare alone time on their hands. “You know what?” she said quietly, holding up her hand and admiring her ring.
“What?” JJ was beside her in their bed, curled up into her side and half asleep.
“I love you,” Emily said simply. “I feel like I don’t say it enough. There’s never enough time, never enough words to express how incredibly perfect my life is with you in it.”
JJ beamed at her. “I think you don’t give yourself enough credit,” she replied. “You always talk about how perfect your life is now that I’m in it, but you’ve never bothered to consider your own contribution to this perfection.”
Emily blushed. “Oh please, I was handed all of this on a silver platter. I fell in love with my best friend and was just lucky enough for her to fall in love with me. I went to work one day, got smacked upside the back of my head and kidnapped, and came out of that with a beautiful son - and I got to skip the whole diaper thing.” She laughed. “Sometimes I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know?”
JJ stretched her legs out and waggled her toes teasingly. “How can the other shoe drop, when I’m not wearing any?” she said with a smirk.
“You know, Harrison isn’t coming back tonight,” Emily said, choosing to ignore the remark. “I think we should have a proper… date. We should go out for dinner, and then come back here and I can finally…” She paused, not wanting to ruin the surprise. She’d planned this in her head weeks ago, before Harrison was even a consideration, and she had just realized that tonight was the perfect time to put her plan in motion. “Get up. Get in the shower, and then put on something pretty. I’m taking you out.”