Hey all,
I went down to Carlsbad again today and got all that good stuff for school done...
My school is so uncolored blehhh...
Well anyways I don't like my counsuler (sp?) because she doesn't know what I say when I say it.
I kept telling her I wanted to take a photography class because I want to be a photographer when I go on to my career but she kept telling me that she has this web design class and she said it about 5 times. I already took that class freshman year. sheesh I dont want to be a loser making we pages for companies I would rather be taking pictrues everywhere...
stupid crack head.
But yeah then we went to my sister's school and I called Summer on my dad's Blackberry thingy...
and then I called Parker and his mom answered the phone and said he was still sleeping then I looked at the clock and I saw that it was only 9:32 am. I thought it was like 1:00 pm, but I guess the lack of sleep got to me because we went up to Barona last night and stayed there then we ate at this one place that my parents keep taking me to and I keep saying I don't like it because the food is all fattening and gross and everytime I eat there I want to become a vegatarian and I tell them that but they say that they dont want me to be one because "it will harm my health" and they think that since my mom's friends was one and she got into a car accedent and didn't heal fast until she started eating meat again then that's what's going to happen to me.
But seriously everytime I think about eating meat I don't feel good.
Yeah but then after we went to my school and sister's school anddropped my sister off at her firend's house cause she has to start school tomarrow (haha sucka) then me and my dad went TO GO EAT SOME MEAT Yayayayayay! (ehhhhh) Even thought i feel like shi-crap right now after eating that It wasn't that bad of food. Then we went to COLD STONES and I tried to go on my dad's laptop because he's got wireless web but it doesnt work in the car so I just watched Larry that cable guy and felll asleep until he started singing carols that he made up his own lyrics to but kept their original beat to.
"Go get a job you bubububummm
money doesnt grow on tress yo9u bubububummm"
that was kinda funny since that was the first thing I heard wehen I woke up.
and yeah my Dad is being really cool now and is letting me go back on the computer as long as I don instatnt message on this one because it is his and he doesnt want viruses so I wont be on AIM until like thursday or something like that.