Title: "Dream: Hector Barbossa"
luvvycat Characters: Hector Barbossa
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt: Dream
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Perversely, the curse allowed Hector to dream, memories of near-forgotten pleasures torturing his sleeping senses with near-erotic intensity...
Body sinking into the luxurious embrace of hot bathwater, rising steam bringing a rosy flush to his chest and face like the onset of desire…
Teeth sinking into the ripe flesh of a green apple, juice filling his mouth with delicious tartness, sluicing wetly down his chin…
Fingers, tongue, and more, sinking into the soft yielding flesh of a woman, slick wetness drowning his own fevered flesh in an agony of sweet carnal delight…
Each awakening brought keener loss, a deeper hell…