Title: "Eye of the Beholder" Author:luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann Rating: PG13 BPS Prompt(s): Inflame and Mimic Word count: 100 Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
lol!! I always wondered about those silly sailors on the Trader, too. Suspension of disbelief required there, for sure. Love this wonderful 100 words of Jackish thought, great drabble!
lol!! I always wondered about those silly sailors on the Trader, too. Suspension of disbelief required there, for sure.
Yes... doesn't say much about their powers of observation, that they couldn't suss out their crewmate's "secret." (Then again, remember how gormless they were when Lizzie was trying to get them to read her ghostly "Tortuga" clue. Not the sharpest pencils in the box, were they?) ;-)
Love this wonderful 100 words of Jackish thought, great drabble!
Thanks! It's always fun to rummage around in Jack's head, and see what falls out! (And, more often than not, what falls out is Lizzie!)
So glad you enjoyed the drabble, and thanks for reading and Commenting! :-)
LOL! How utterly delightful, my dear miz cat! What a funny funny observaion from the captain! Odd, innit, where his thoughts will wander when he has a minute to himself? Adore your description of his wandering eyes, pretty doggone cute. I like him indulging himself, musin' while perusin' the horizon so to speak. Thank you so much for the pick me up tale showing off this side of the Captain's many interests. Good to hear from your wonderful self.
What a funny funny observation from the captain! Odd, innit, where his thoughts will wander when he has a minute to himself?
Perhaps not so odd, after all. I'd lay wager that, of all the things that could capture Jack's wandering attention (and thoughts!) on the Pearl, Lizzie's bum would win, hands down! ;-)
Adore your description of his wandering eyes, pretty doggone cute. I like him indulging himself, musin' while perusin' the horizon so to speak.
Absolutely! IMHO, Jack's particularly fetching when he's being naughty, and letting his eyes rove...
Thank you so much for the pick me up tale showing off this side of the Captain's many interests.
So glad you enjoyed this tale of Jack showing off his interest in ONE particular (back) side! ;-D
Comments 6
Yes... doesn't say much about their powers of observation, that they couldn't suss out their crewmate's "secret." (Then again, remember how gormless they were when Lizzie was trying to get them to read her ghostly "Tortuga" clue. Not the sharpest pencils in the box, were they?) ;-)
Love this wonderful 100 words of Jackish thought, great drabble!
Thanks! It's always fun to rummage around in Jack's head, and see what falls out! (And, more often than not, what falls out is Lizzie!)
So glad you enjoyed the drabble, and thanks for reading and Commenting! :-)
-- Cat
Can't blame a fella for taking in the sights, and enjoying a lovely view! ;-)
Small wonder you get slapped so often.
The trick to not getting slapped is not getting caught! (Or, in other words, what Lizzie doesn't know, won't hurt him!) ;-)
Thank you so much for reading, and Commenting! :-)
-- Cat
Good to hear from your wonderful self.
Perhaps not so odd, after all. I'd lay wager that, of all the things that could capture Jack's wandering attention (and thoughts!) on the Pearl, Lizzie's bum would win, hands down! ;-)
Adore your description of his wandering eyes, pretty doggone cute. I like him indulging himself, musin' while perusin' the horizon so to speak.
Absolutely! IMHO, Jack's particularly fetching when he's being naughty, and letting his eyes rove...
Thank you so much for the pick me up tale showing off this side of the Captain's many interests.
So glad you enjoyed this tale of Jack showing off his interest in ONE particular (back) side! ;-D
Good to hear from your wonderful self.
Ditto, my friend! Most definitely Ditto! :-)
-- Cat
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