Title: "Requiem"
luvvycat Characters: Elizabeth Swann
Rating: PG
Prompt(s): Tear, Marine and Mercy
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
From the Pearl‘s deck, Elizabeth grimly watched the distant, misty silhouette of the Flying Dutchman, collecting Endeavour’s dead.
She wondered if Beckett’s soul would be among those granted safe passage. She fervently hoped not. If ever a man deserved not mercy, but consignment to the everlasting fires of Hell, it was Cutler Beckett. Such a bloody chain of events he'd set in motion¾ countless human lives (including Father's), sacrificed to one ruthless man’s quest for power, control.
She wept¾ her tears not for Beckett, but for the poor, doomed sailors and marines who’d done their duty, and perished with him.