Title: "Expectant Uncle"
luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Teague
Rating: PG13
Prompt(s): Pace
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Author's Note: One more drabble dedicated, with best wishes and congratulations, to
geekmama and her family, in honour of the birth this past week of her new grandson, Zane! A kind of "prequel" to my earlier one
"New Arrival"...
Jack paced like a caged tiger across the massive carpet in Teague’s quarters.
"Sit down, boy, and have some rum. Took Peshawar peasants two years t’weave that rug. Way yer goin’ it’ll be worn through within th’ hour."
Jack whirled on his father. "What’s takin’ so bloody long? Th' midwife went up hours ago!"
"Relax, Jacky. Women’ve been doin’ this since Creation. Babies come in their own time. 'Sides… would you rather be up there with 'er?"
Jack blanched.
"Thought so," Teague rasped, sagely. "Fer men, th' fun's in puttin' the whelp in. Not so much watchin' it come out…"