Title: "Last Straw"
luvvycatCharacters: Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, crew of the Black Pearl
Rating: PG
Prompt: Pun
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Summary: Read on, and discover the real reason for the mutiny... ;-)
“…two attacked at once- twin assassins named Wong. Formidable opponents, but neither could make a right-handed defence to save their lives! Cleverly exploitin' that weakness, I quickly dispatch 'em…”
“Blimey!” exclaimed Pintel.
“Phenomenal!” Ragetti gushed.
“Bollocks!” Barbossa sneered.
Jack’s moustache quirked. “Come, Hector! Surely you’ve heard… two Wongs can’t make a right!”
Bootstrap winced; the crew groaned; Barbossa glared, murderously.
The crew's jeering farewells faded as the Pearl sailed off...
Emerging from the surf, shaking water from the pistol they’d chucked at him after tossing him into the sea, Jack plopped onto the sand, frowning.
“Was it somethin’ I said?”