Apr 06, 2007 15:06


Wow, its been a long week lol. Today actually wasnt that bad compared to the rest of the days and tonight is going to be really fun!

I miss the show alot im soo sad its over and I really hope i get into Little not sure if i will jsut becaues lke 50 people tried out and there is a small cast like 18 thats it soo we shall see about that.

All our lax games were cancled this week and im pist becaues i love lax mostly for the games and im really sad and now we have to wait until Monday ]=. But its going to be a great game and we have another winning season and eee i cant wait!

So today we had a half day becaues it was good friday...that was fun school was well school lol but then Michelle and Kt came over before practice and we ate alot of much as we later found out. Then we had practice from 12:30-2:15...which was fun we only had to run a mile today compared to the 2 we had to run come duditch makes us run more then heather..weird. but ohh well. Then we did drills for lke 30 mins lol then we did an obstacle course beacuse it was fun friday!

The obstcle course consisted of sprinting down the gym and doing ten push ups then sprinting outside and doing 50 jump ropes<-- i sucked at that..then sprinting around the school OMG that was death lol specially after doing the jumpig jacks.  Then shannon threw us the ball and we did face/roll dodges around some cones. We then sprint to the lax walls and do 10 lefties and ten righties then we sprint back inside do 25 sit-ups and then sprint to the other end of the gym and shoot a goal. We had to do that twice..WOW.. but it was good and better then just doing regualr sprints so that was our fun friday exercise i love fun fridays they make the whole week look foward to and they are the only practices i like lol.

Tonight Kelly Gillen is comming over and sleeping over and then tomorrow we are going to the mall!

ps. not a good idea to sprint in the cold wearing only a tank top and shorts :P

but now i am going to jump in the shower


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