Feb 01, 2008 01:48
Is there a candidate that doesn't suck? I went to that expertvoter.org site, CNN assured me that it would hold answers to my questions on the candidates positions on the issues. I'm still not sure what Barack Obama stands for. I mean, I heard him spouting about hope and change but I don't recall him setting out a single step-by-step plan for how he was going to achieve his much anticipated change. In case he's forgotten, there are two other completely useless bodies of government that he needs on his side to pass any legislation, Congress and the Senate. I really don't feature them doing anything any time soon. Which, considering the list of things they have done, may be a good thing. Poor John Edwards, I think he may actually have been the best candidate for the job. I wasn't likely to vote for him, but I still think he may have been the best option. Hillary Clinton. I'm still not sure what I think of her. The news media seems to focus too much on what Bill is doing or saying. I don't actually get to see much of her, even when they talk about her campaign. I think she's caught in a lose-lose situation. If she acts tough, she's a bitch. If she shows vulnerability, she's too soft to be commander-in-chief. According to some "candidate match" questionnaire that I used, my best match came in at a whopping 33%. Can I cry now? One third? That's the best I can do? Someone that I only match up with a third of the time? It seems rather fitting though, considering that my vote won't count anyway. Florida and Michigan are being punished for moving our primaries up. I don't seem to recall the state party asking me if I was okay with that. I think it's time to be rid of both the elephant and that stupid bloody donkey. Neither of these parties cares about anything other than party interests. The Republic is totally screwed. It's time for a third party candidate but serious contenders are hard to come by. Are we, again, doomed to the best of the mediocre? Okay, I shouldn't say that. Bush was not the best of anything. Considering the number of people that voted for him in '04, I have no faith in the electorate. Nearly sixty million people went stupid and we're still suffering for it. I won't blame them for the debacle in 2000, when the Supreme Court appointed him President after Jeb and his cronies helped W. steal the election from a man that would have been a fabulous President. Perhaps I will go to the polls this year and write in for someone not even on the ballot. Hmm. Do you think Paget Brewster(SSA Emily Prentiss on Criminal Minds; see my icon) would be a good president? She's witty, charming, energetic and engaging. I think, at the very least, the world might start to like us again. Besides, it's not like she could do any worse than the current administration and it's lackeys. And she's a lot better looking. I'm also pretty sure that her favourite book from childhood was actually out when she was a child. *grumbling* My pet goat. What an idiot. Now that I've completely depressed myself, I should away. There is paperwork that I only have five and a half hours to get done. Wow. Three pages in five hours, it could be tough. *sigh* Later.