Jan 06, 2005 09:47
So last night I payed my school bill and also signed up for classes. I want to take a fifth class but can't really find one that I need and would be able to fit into my schedule. It's kinda crappy because with the way my classes have worked out, I'm in classes till 1 in Portland everday. This means I can't get to work until 1:30 and we close at 4:30. So I'll really only be able to work two and a half maybe three hours a day. I'm sort of wondering about just getting another job somewhere for only the weekends if possible, but would that be worth it. Would I be making enough extra money. I'm going to have to bust my butt and work SO much this summer and save beyond belief if I plan on living in an apartment next year. Who knows how that whole thing is going to work out though. I guess I've gone for it and decided to make the switch to a sociology major. I'm excited. It seems to make the most sense...plus, I've really liked all the soc classes I've taken so far (ok, its only two but still).
Yesterday I worked and then met up with Justin and headed home for dinner with the fam. I was really happy that I got to see him two days in a row :)
I also made my plans to go and visit Claudia tomorrow night and see Justine's bball game Saturday. I'm excited! A little nervous because I'm taking the train down to Boston and then have to take the T in. The T part sounds easy enough but it still worries me a little bit. Oh well, I'm sure I'll be fine.
Don't really know what I'm going to do today...I was kind of thinking about a little shopping at Marden's, they had some pretty good stuff when I stoped by on Monday. I also need to clean Nelson's tank and call the Prebble Street to see about volunteering there when we get back.