Oct 05, 2005 12:29
that i really shouldnt. There's a lot lot lot of drama going on in ADT, and it's getting old. the "she said" "well she did" stuff is stupid, and I'm over it. Either deal with it (like i tried to do with apo) or quit. (like i did with apo.) it's that simple. these girls are supposed to be your FRIENDS, and if all you're going to do is bitch about what they've done wrong to you, or what they haven't done for you, then QUIT. I'm sorry but I spent a year dealing with THE EXACT THING with APO, and college is supposed.to.be.fun. so STOP. okay?
So, M is being so weird, that it's making me angry. We're either friends, or we're not. don't be like.."i just feel like it was just because we were both there, and nobody else was around, and we just get along well...." blah blah blah. It's crap, and you know its crap, because I'M THERE ON THE WEEKENDS, and you sure as heck don't mind coming outside to do stuff when IM OUT THERE FIRST, do you? Like seriously. Be a man. If you don't want anything from me (and that sounds a lot different than i mean it.) tell me. tell me no, trust me, I'm used to rejection. I just cant imagine letting my future husband tell me that I can't be friends with somebody, just because he doesnt like them. there's a lot of people (lisa) that people i've had any type of relationship with, that I DIDN'T LIKE (lisa) but did that stop them from being friends? Seriously? Like, i know and fully believe that marriage and whatever the heck i had with t are two completely different things, but still. And, it's probably for the best that we're in limbo of what we are, because i mean i dont want my neighbors to think i'm a ho, and if she's so adamant about blah blah blah, he's my husband,bitch, to HER FRIENDS, then imagine what she's saying about me.
But anyway. Last night, there was a bunch of drama after the craft night, but the craftnight was a freaking blast. I have the best Big sis. Because we're dumb, we forgot to get paint brushes, so the two of us shared one, AND we painted both yellow and blue with it. (it was hard, but we managed.) We had gone to Walmart earlier to get stuff for our littles (mine and randi's since hannah has me ;)) and she found this cute little woodenbox that had a metal cut out on the top that had a heart printed on it, so we were doing our stuff, painting together, cause THAT's cool, and she was like, i'm gonna give this to you!! so she put adt on the front bottom part, then on the lid, right around the metal part, she put big sis, lil sis, and our names. how cute is that?
I'm making my little, who better be kim or im gonna be p-od, a paper mache circle box, the lid i painted yellow, then the base is blue..and i think im going to write ADT on the base with silver paint, then on the lid put ADT 2005, big sis Rachel, lil sis, then wait til i find out for sure who it's going to be (better be kim)...
have i told yall why i want kim?
She's ashley's, hannah's big sis, niece by marriage, and we just think it would be really cute if her great grandbig was ash.