Feb 14, 2010 23:37
So, let's start with today and see if I can keep up with this thing again.
We went to Scout Sunday at the Presbyterian Chruch this morning. It was a good service, I really miss the rote memory readings of the Methodist church which is a commonality between the two. Talked to JoAnn and learned that they had problems with Gardner Newman as well. Also, found out their youth group seems to be very open. Wish I knew what to do about the crap at church (long story will give it to you if you ask) and William.
So, afterwards we went to Applebee's for lunch. It was a good meal. I really do enjoy going out with the family, we can have so much fun. Afterwards, we drove around our neighborhood and picked up about 20 Scouting for Food bags that will need to be dropped off tomorrow.
After we got home it's been pretty much chill and research time. Working on a math theorist presentation and a paper that has to be written. Not sure about the paper, but I guess I'll figure it out since it is due on Tuesday. I also still have an alignment to look at and a problem to write on top of two things still to read.
The snow is almost gone. Quite sad really, it was beautiful. The boys built a snow wall about 1 foot thick, 3 feet high, and 6 feet long. It is still standing in the back yard, with melt holes of course. It would be nice if tomorrows snow gives another small layer, but being on top of rain it will probably melt as soon as it hits the ground. Oh, well.