Jul 12, 2005 20:02
1. We like it when you give us affection and lots of attention
2.We constantly need assurance about everything(Still love us..that your really ok stuff like dat)
3.Call us names we'll call you them back but we're only kidding around
*note-ignore this guys never call your gf a bitch or any names she'll take it personally and rip your balls off...figuratively speeking*
4.We always look forward to your calls girls dont worry about bothering us any chance we get to talk to you we love.
5. what our kisses mean:
*kiss on hand- Just tryin to be romantic
*kiss on cheek-look at me or look at me i wanna kiss your lips
*kiss on forhead(while holdin you in our arms)- we love the intamacy and want to keep you in our arms
*kiss on lips- I Love You
*kiss on neck- we want you
*kiss on chest or breast- we really want you why is your shirt still on
6.If you notice another girl hitting on us and us not doin anything to get them to chill its cause we dont notice them flirtin when we serious about our relationship we dont notice other girls flirting cause we all caught up in you.
7. Girls dont keep stuff from us thats bothering you talk to us so that we can work it out
8. Be as straight forward with us as possible tell us what you want
9. Dont go around things with nevermind or forget about it cause we wont forget it and we'll continue thinkin we did something so just tell us what it is good or bad so that we can clear it up.
10. If we dont look or act jealous when you girls are talkin or hanging out with other guys we dont want to make you mad, when in our heads we are going crazy and possibly contemplating on how we can cause pain to the guy
11. If your not sure about our love test us...but dont constantly test us its get really annoying and we're thinking either is she trying to piss us off so we'll brake up with you or do you really doubt us are we doin something wrong???... plus after constantly testing us we'll think everything is a test and be really paranoid about everything you say and do.
12. Most of all just constantly tell us you love us cause thats what we need most to hear those three words it alwasy makes feel so much better.
*This only counts for the good guys not guys as domi would say fucks anyything with a hole those are bad guys most of teh time you can tel which is which so this is for guys that care and you girls know who we are*
p.s any questions or want to know more of how our taken brains think jus leave a comment with you question or ask me personally and ill add it in.