Title: More Than Just One Life
Author: luvspnl
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: Supernatural is Not Mine. Winchesters Not Mine.
Warnings: OCPOV, hurt!teen!Dean
Characters: OC, John, Dean(14), Sammy(10)
Summary: Another Hunter's look on a Winchester hunt.
Word Count: 1, 044
korusialhogi Prompt - John, Dean, hunt, OPOV
He didn't normally like huntin' with a partner, but this guy - this Winchester guy - well, he'd been there first. But Jed had been trackin' the sucker for five months now, and he wanted a piece of killing that bitch.
Jed had heard about Winchester before. Most people that made it in this business for longer than a year had heard about John Winchester and his freakin' Crusade or what have you. Jed, he stuck to Demons and the hell with the rest of the crazy shit. But Winchester, man was nuts. There wasn't a thing that Winchester wouldn't go after. Rumor said that Winchester would even hunt more than one of those crazy bitches at a time.
There had never been any talk about the kids.
Winchester had two of them, Dean and Sammy. Good kids. Smart and fast as anythin' Jed'd ever seen. Cautious as all Hell too.
Sammy was ten years old and a walkin' Encyclopedia or somethin'. Now, Jed hadn't known many ten year olds, but he would bet his whole lunch that that boy was the smartest around. Didn't matter if he was talkin' 'bout chameleons or the whereabouts of Shingas ghost. Jed didn't even know what the heck that meant, but he believed every word Lil' Sammy was spewing.
If Sammy Winchester was a research and knowledge powerhouse, Dean Winchester was a freaking 'nigma.
At fourteen, Jed had thought that Dean wasn't interested in the 'life' that his daddy was leading. He didn't seem interested when Winchester and him were talking notes over, or when his kid brother was hogging ton pound books outta the library. Jed had put the kid down as a typ'cal teen and hadn't spared him much thought.
Hell, he'd thought Winchester was tempin' fate when he brought the kid along.
That's the 'nigma of Dean. When Jed'd thought the boy wasn't listenin' the kid was takin' it all in and prollaly makin' notes and junk. Kid was insane, spewing off more information than his kid brother, and Jed hadn't even thought somethin' like that was possible. While the kid looked like a string pole, Jed was 'mazed by the kid's ability to recon and follow d'rections. His daddy had trained him real good, even sendin' the boy off on his own for a moment so that they three of them could trap this thing in.
But no training is going to prep ya for a Demon to launch ya like a sake of marshmallows against a crumple all wall, and Dean learnt that the hardest way possible.
While Jed had been startled, thinking it'd be a blasted shame to loose a kid that young to some stupid shit like a fucked-tantrumin' Demon, he'd just about crapped himself when he'd seen Dean get back up and run right back towards the damn thing again.
Well, Jed wasn't about to get upstaged by some short-shank, no matter how good a Hunter the kid was turning' out to be. He gripped his own gun and got right back at the damn thing. Between him and Dean, they were able to destroy the demon's altar crap-looking thing, free the hostages and distract the thing enough for join to kill it.
He'd been grinnin' like a maniac on crack when he heard Dean crash back down.
Jed had seen a heck of a lot of blood before. It wasn't easy being a Hinter, but the thought of knowing the things he knew and not going after them, even if it was just the Demons - they were evil bitches and there was no just about Demons - he knew he was doing his part. But Dean was just a kid, damnit.
Winchester had the boy in his arms and was runnin' like hell hounds were on his heels to the car. Jed stayed to take care of the poor fool's body who had had the misfortune of gettin' caught up in the whole mess.
He'd thought for sure that Winchester was takin' the boy to the hospital, and he figured he'd go and keep Sammy company, because he sure as all Hell wasn't gonna to head there. But no, Winchester's car and Winchester himself was back at the lil' cabin and there was Dean, white-eyed and bleedin', and there was John like a freakin' surgeon with Sammy as his teary-eyed helper.
And Jed just knew they'd done this before.
Dean's back was horribly bruised, cuts and -
Head wounds always look worse than they really are. That's what Sammy told him. Jed knew this, but it was like the lil guy was tryin' to comfort him. Comfort him, when he should be the one tellin' him that his brother was the strongest sonofabitch Jed'd met in a long time. But that wasn't somethin' he needed to tell Sammy, the kid already knew that.
It was two hours and fifteen minutes since he stepped in that Winchester stopped workin' on the kid. By then, he was just stitchin' up minor things and Jed had Sammy curled up, asleep in his lap in the only other chair left in the livin' room that wasn't being used up by the kit or Dean's slumbering body.
Winchester looked exhausted and Jed felt nauseous. He wasn't as old as Winchester, but he'd certainly passed Dean's age. He just hoped that Dean would be saying the same thing some day too.
Thanks for sticking around, Kid. Winchester went and washed up, came back like he hadn't just saved his son's life and washed away the offending blood from his hands. He took Sammy up in his arms, told Jed he could go sleep in the boys' room, that he'd put Sammy in the other room and stay out there in the livin' room with Dean. The other room was a single bedder and Winchester had been sleepin' there and Jed'd taken the couch when he'd caught up to them and they'd invited him into the hunt. Because he realized now, if he hadn't been accepted, then he coulda kissed his so-called vengeance chase good and bye.
Settlin' down for the night, Jed realized that John had saved more than just one life that night.