"Oh make me a red cape, I want to be Superman..."

Mar 13, 2004 21:38

Heylo to all.

Festival was fantabulous!! So many fun things went on...but let's take it one paragraph at a time....(haha, that made me laugh)...

So! Our call time for festival was like 3:30, which is right after school, but I also had play practice. So, the chorus members (and that would be me) we directed to go to play practice, and then right after "Tradition", we were to come back and change. So that's what I did, and I ended up changing in Smith's bathroom while listening to us play "Farandole". And get this....I was dancing while changing. Who does that?! I do...that's who...So then I ran back out, got my instrument out, was all ready to play....and we were done rehersing (spelling? I don't know? Maybe? Possibly?) and had to load the bus.

The Bus Ride...woooooooooow weeeee!

I ended up sitting next to Ashley Balough, I love that girl. And Mary, was seated a seat ahead of me to my left, and Peter Ciaverialla (Spelling!??!) was right behind me and to my left. Mary and I took out our cell phones, and called eachother. And we talked to eachother like that for almost the whole bus ride. We were complaining about how it was like echo-y and delay....-y.....haha. It was fun stuff. And then we swapped cell phones and played some games on the cell phones...gooood times!! Peter was making fun of us the whole time that funny dog.

Then we got to the school and had like a hour to kill time. Mary needed to tie her show, so Neil and I tied it...actually it was just Neil and I was just holding the laces while he was tightening them. That was my job. Then we just went and ate dinner with Hannah, Caitlin, Ashley, Melissa, and Hannah. I had pizza, my ho-ho, and a brownie. If you wanted to know. I guess I scrunch up my nose and eyes while eating pizza, that's what I was told. haha. That's kinda funny. I'm a little funny....

After that we played. Nabucco ("Overture to Nabucco") sounded really, really awesome! It was so good. The best. Then we got to "Allegro Grosso Opus No......something" I don't know, I can never remember that name...but anyway, I guess I played that well, Smith patted me on the back after we were done. So that's good!! It went well, I think it sounded very good!! YAY! Then we moved on to "Farandole". I played that last part the best I have ever played it, WOO-HOO! It sounded awesome too!!! Then on to sightreading....we got "Glorioso" (SPELLING!? ANYONE!? There are too many possible spelling errors in this entry, my gosh) which we have played before, and that sounded really good, I was so happy! YAY!!

While walking back from sight reading, I was walking with Peter. All of the sudden Peter starts singing "Glorioso" (or whatever...haha) and then I sing a part, and then it keeps going back and forth. We were sining it "opera-style". hahaha, opera style, that sounds great. And then Drew Baumgartner walks up, and he joins in. And then, somehow, I like didn't sing...and they started calling me Yoko Ono. haha. Or "Joke-o Ono" as Peter preferred. It was odd, yet fun, and funny.

For playing in front of the judge we got two 2's, and one 1. (haha, two, two, one, one.....I am easily amused) And then for sightreading we got a 1. We had an overall average of 2. yay!!!! GOOD JOB GUYS!! that rocks the house. Mr. Smith was telling my mom that Concert Orchestra has never gotten a 1 before! YAY!!! :)

I also pulled my first all-nighter...well...almost all-nighter on thursday. I stayed up till 5:00am, and slept for about a hour and a half. I was doing Pennock's poetry anthology. She also generously scheduled a test for the same day it was due. hoo ray...only not really...I was just kinding...if you couldn't tell the sarcasm in my typing. hahaha.....sarcasm in my typing...hehe.

It was fun, I was talking to Abbi and Katy, and we were saying how "this is like a sleepover! only not at all!" it was pret-tay funny.

And UPDATE! I came very close to beating my friend Andrew Chester at chess, who is the chessmaster!! Yay! One day, I will rock that boy at chess. hahaha.

And........THAT'S IT!!

Good bye everyone, you all rock the house!!

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