Title:Gale Winds
Author: Luvsara
Pairing Callie/Arizona
Rated NC-17.
Summary: AU fic. Some details follow the Grey’s story line although time frames are skewed. After Callie’s marriage falls apart, she gets fired as Chief Resident and her first attempt at a new relationship ends horribly bad, her self esteem plummets to a new low, to the point where even becoming an attending doesn’t make her happy. She decides to get away from it all.....she needs a change of scenery.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
A/N 1: So, I'm not entirely happy with this chapter. I had very little time to write while at the beach, so I rushed to be able to post this tonight. Anyway, I'll get back in the groove....I promise.
Chapter 1
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/17993.html#cutid1Chapter 2
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/18204.html#cutid1Chapter 3
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/18477.html#cutid1Chapter 4
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/18908.html#cutid1Chapter 5
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/19032.html#cutid1Chapter 6
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/19412.html#cutid1Chapter 7
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/19637.html#cutid1Chapter 8
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/19848.html#cutid1Chapter 9
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/20097.html#cutid1Chapter 10
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/20317.html#cutid1Chapter 11
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/20638.html#cutid1Chapter 12
http://luvsara.livejournal.com/20866.html#cutid1 Chapter Thirteen:
Arizona did not go home. Her first inclination was to get to the liquor store, but it was too late, they were already closed. She thought about the bar, but then remembered the scene with Tonya and Harry and decided it was probably best not to go there. So instead she went to the harbor....to her boat. She needed the Atlantic ocean....a place of serenity for her. It was dark so it took a little time to navigate the sound, but she had done it so many times in the past three years, it was almost ingrained in her memory. She found the ocean to be calm at about 20 miles out. She cut the engine and just floated. The tears flowed freely as she recalled the night’s events and Callie’s harsh words. At first she was hurt and then angry....and then she just felt lost. Arizona knew what Callie had said was true......she was being irrational.....but it still hurt to hear it. Part of her knew that at some point Callie would return to her life and that would mean leaving the island, but ever since the night of the hurricane, she put all thoughts of ever living without Callie, out of her head. She could finally breathe again and the tremendous weight she had been carrying around in her heart had lifted.....she felt renewed in Callie’s presence and she feared what would happen without her. As much as she knew that Callie wasn’t Joanne, she still felt like Callie would see all of her inadequacies when she got around other surgeons.......she was afraid of losing Callie, and in her.......her own life.
As Arizona continued to mull over her thoughts, she realized that it wasn’t fair of her to put that much pressure on Callie. It wasn’t Callie’s fault that she was living with this fear. She recalled Callie’s surgical prowess and being utterly stunned by how magnificent she found her to be. How could she deny her love the chance to shine in the world....she had such a gift to bring. She smiled to herself through the tears at just how beautiful Callie was.....inside and out and she was lucky to have been able to get to know her. Then almost as an afterthought, the memory of Callie’s other words......the words that she hadn’t heard from anyone besides her Aunt in a very long time, came ringing through. "Calliope said she loved me" she said out loud and again beamed a smile almost wide enough to light up the darkness.
She sat in the silence and cleared her head. Arizona wasn’t a particularly religious woman but she did believe in a higher power so she began a sort of prayer "If anyone is listening....I first want to say thank you for bringing Calliope into my life. She is an amazing human being....but I’m sure you already know that. I think I may have really messed up here and I could use some help. I let my own shit....(oops....sorry) get in the way and I really blew it with her tonight. She needed me to hear her and I didn’t listen because I was scared......so I ran like I always do.......and I’m pretty sure she’s pissed (again...sorry ) So I need a sign or something.....something to say that this is all going to be okay.....please."
Arizona continued to sit quietly looking out across the night sky "Maybe I’ll see a falling star and that will be a sign" she thought, but it didn’t happen. It was getting late and she needed to be heading back into the harbor soon. And then she heard it......the soulful song of a humpback whale. It was mysterious and eerie and oddly beautiful. It was rare to have humpback sightings off the coast of North Carolina, but it has happened....usually in early spring or late fall though as they migrate through. In fact last year Arizona remembered that one got stranded off the coast of Hatteras. As she listened she searched the horizon for signs of the gentle giant, but she didn’t see it. Somewhere deep in her memory bank she pulled out that in Native American lore, the Humpback whale is a symbol for female creativity. Once again her smile graced the dark sky.....this was it......it could work.....they could make it work.....they just had to be creative. She fired up the engine, got her bearings as far as her landmarks and compass readings and headed home. It was the early morning when Arizona pulled into the harbor and she was emotionally exhausted. She decided that rather than going home and risking waking up Gertie, or waking up Callie, she would just sleep here on the boat until morning and then talk to Callie before her charter went out at eight.
Callie barely slept at all, but when the sun shone through the window, it forced her awake. Her eyes were red and swollen from the tears she had shed. She was certain that she didn’t have any left. Her shoulders, neck and head hurt and she wasn’t sure that she even wanted to face the day. She dragged herself out of bed and downstairs to make coffee. While it was brewing, she stepped outside to get the little Island newspaper and noticed that the cooler that Arizona usually carried with her on the boat was sitting on her front steps. It’s usually where Gertie puts it when Arizona has spent the night.....but she didn’t last night.....and Callie assumed she was home, but by the looks of this....that wasn’t so. All kinds of horrible thoughts ran through Callie’s head from Arizona was hurt somewhere to Arizona went and hooked up with an adoring fan last night out of anger. Either option made Callie sick to her stomach. She left the cooler where it sat and turned to walk inside when she heard a familiar voice from down the street "Calliope!......Calliope!" Arizona was yelling as she ran towards her. Callie stood where she was but her heart was going through several different emotions at the same time.
When Arizona finally made it to her front yard, she took a couple of deep breaths before trying to speak. Callie walked down the few steps to stand before her with a blank expression on her face. Regaining some composure, Arizona stood up straight and looked Callie in the eyes trying to get a read but couldn’t really tell. "Calliope?.... Can we talk?"
Callie let her anger from last night and her thoughts this morning bubble up "Oh...so now.... you want to talk?"
Arizona nodded her head in understanding of where this anger stemmed from "Yes, Calliope......I do......and I know you’re angry......and you have a right to be. I got scared.....and I let that fear take me to a dark place, so I ran.....like I always do. But I understand that for me to do that, doesn’t really help you much at all.....and for that.....I’m sorry. I’m also sorry for lumping you into a category of people that only exist in my brain.....and I know that you’re not like that.....I’m sorry for making you feel bad." Arizona was slightly out of breath again. "I want you to be happy.....and I want you to be fulfilled in your life and......I want you to have your dreams....always." Callie’s features were softening with every word. "What I’m trying to say is that we can make it work.....if...if you still want to.....we can make it work."
Callie thought for a moment before responding "First, I need to know......where were you last night?"
Arizona was taken back by the question not sure where Callie’s mind was "I ...I was on the boat. The ocean calms me....so I went there and the most amazing thing happened. I heard a humpback whale singing in the dark.....I know it sounds crazy but I took it as a sign......a sign that everything was going to be okay."
Callie looked at Arizona with a questioning gaze "So why didn’t you come home?" she pushed "because I know that you didn’t go to Gertie’s and you certainly weren’t here with me."
"No....I slept on the boat because it was very late...or early depending on how you want to look at it....and I didn’t want to wake either of you up." Arizona thought her explanation was enough.
"You had to have known that I wouldn’t be sleeping....my God....you left me....and I didn’t know what was going on....and...." Callie was sobbing again, all of the emotions that she had been through left her feeling raw.
Arizona stepped up and put her hands on either side of Callie’s face "Oh baby.....oh...... I’m so sorry. I know running isn’t the answer, but sometimes I can’t help it....and I just couldn’t be around you while I figured things out..........but I’ll do better.....I promise.....because....... I love you too."
Callie picked her eyes up and met the azure blue of Arizona’s. There she searched for truth and what was revealed was a pureness and honesty that she had never seen before in another. Arizona was crying now and all Callie wanted to do was to take her in her arms and hold her tight......so she did. "I love you baby......I love you so much it hurts sometimes."
"Me too....Me too" Arizona squeaked out through the tears. After just a few moments they pulled back far enough to see one another again....just a little clearer than before. Callie leaned in and seized Arizona’s lips with her own. They kissed for several long minutes and didn’t hear foot steps approaching.
"Calliope Iphegenia Torres! What is the meaning of this?!" a voice called.
Callie pulled away quickly leaving Arizona stunned "Daddy!?"
Arizona looked at Callie shocked as Callie looked to her father....also shocked.......and Carlos just looked pissed.
"Um....Daddy I can explain........" Callie tried but Carlos went off into a Spanish rant that Arizona didn’t understand, and by the look on Callie’s face.....she was sure she didn’t want to.
"Uh.......Calliope?.......I have a charter, but if you want me to cancel it I will" she tried to gauge Callie’s reactions.
Callie stole a look away from her ranting father and looked directly into Arizona’s eyes "No......you go ahead......and I’ll try to deal with my father."
"Are you sure?" Arizona asked tentatively and Callie just nodded. Arizona picked up the cooler that had been left for her and set off toward the harbor.
"Daddy, please.....I need you to be okay with this. I wasn’t looking for a relationship....with anyone......a he or a she, but it just happened......and it feels good with her.......and I’m saying that I’m happy......I mean really happy for the first time in a long time. When have you ever heard me willingly admit that?" Callie was trying her best to ease her father’s mood.
"When you lived at home with your mother and me....you were happy then. You will fly home with me today.....you’ll see........ everything will be okay." Carlos spoke with confidence that his daughter would not oppose his wishes.
"What?.....No Daddy! I’m not going anywhere.......I’m a grown woman and can make my own decisions." Callie was pleading her case
"It’s a sin Calliope! and I’ll not have you living here in sin! You’re my child and I have to protect you....even from yourself. Now, I’ll give you some time to collect your things and I’ll be back for you. The ferry leaves at three." Carlos got up and walked out of the house before Callie could object any further.
Gertie had heard the yelling from her front porch and after watching Carlos leave, she went over to check on Callie "Lord dear....what’s all that yellin about?" she asked as she walked in the door to find Callie pacing back and forth, lost in her own Spanish rant. Gertie waited patiently for a few minutes and then stepped in front of her "Stop speaking Spanish.....I haven’t heard Spanish in a long time and even then it was just what Rosa had taught me.....now tell me what’s going on.....and speak English."
"My Dad is making me go home with him.....today.....he won’t even let me try to explain....he’s......he’s just making me go." Callie continued to pace.
"You’re a grown woman dear, he can’t make you do anything." Gertie wasn’t comprehending why Callie would just go.
Callie shook her head "You don’t understand.....there is nothing that my father hasn’t done for me. He has supported me through college and med school so that I could concentrate on being a great doctor.....and I have a huge trust fund which is what has allowed me to be here for this whole summer without needing a job......not to mention that this is his house that I’m living in.........oh my God.....What am I going to do?"
Gertie sighed and looked directly into Callie’s eyes "Supporting someone and respecting someone aren’t the same thing......you should consider that, but it’s ultimately your decision........I’ll leave you to make it."
By one o’clock, Carlos had returned, but before he could get into the house, Gertie stopped him just outside "Carlos......can I have a word with ya?"
Carlos turned to face his long time neighbor "Miss Robbins.......what can I do for you?"
"I stopped in to see your daughter earlier.....it seems she’s a little upset....." Gertie started but was cut off.
"Well she’ll be fine once I get her home" Carlos said as he started to turn away.
Gertie chimed in again "You know she’s not a child anymore and she deserves the chance to be happy."
Carlos got a firey look in his eye "Miss Robbins....you don’t have children.......do you?"
Gertie shook her head and then replied "Nope.....I don’t.......but I helped raise your’s every summer for seven years and I can tell you that Callie has grown into a fine young woman......a woman you can be proud of.......a woman that your mother would be proud of. She is who you raised her to be.....she’s brave and strong, loving and caring........don’t push her away by not letting her be who she is."
Carlos stared at the woman for a few seconds before simply saying "Good day.....Miss Robbins" as he went through the front door.
Gertie turned and went back inside hoping with everything that she had, that something she said had made sense to at least one of the Torres’. Most of all she feared for Arizona if it hadn’t. She wasn’t sure that her niece could handle this loss and it might just drive her so far within herself, that she may never come back.
Arizona came into the harbor and as quickly as she could, she made her way back to Callie’s. She wasn’t sure if she should go in, or knock......so she hesitated for a moment and then went to see if Gertie knew anything. "Aunt Gert.....what happened?.......Is Calliope’s dad still here?"
"I saw the car pull away.......but.....I don’t know if she went with him." Gertie said softly
Arizona looked at her stunned "What?.......What do you mean......went with him?"
"He was trying to make her go home with him.....back to Miami......" Gertie’s words were cut short by the slamming of the front door as Arizona ran to Callie’s. She didn’t bother to knock, she just went in. the fact that the door wasn't locked was a good sign....maybe.
"Calliope?!.......Oh God please.......Calliope?......Are you here?" Arizona ran upstairs to Callie’s bedroom where she saw her curled up in a fetal position "Calliope? ...baby.....what happened?"
Callie rolled over to face Arizona and wiped the tears from her eyes "He gave me an ultimatum......said if I didn’t go home with him that he would take away my trust fund, cut me off......." Callie got a far away look in her eye "So.....I cut him off......I mean if he can’t accept me for who I am.....then.....I cut him off."
Arizona was concerned "Are you okay?"
"No.......yeah.....I don’t know......." Fresh tears started to fall and Arizona wrapped Callie in a loving embrace as she cried. They stayed like that for several minutes before Callie could speak again "I never dreamed that it would be this bad. I mean....I knew that it might be a shock.....but......I don’t know how to be without my family."
"Maybe he just needs some time to cool off and get over the shock." Arizona tried to ease Callie’s mind.
"Yeah .....maybe......but now I definitely need to find a job........and a place to live. He said he would give me a week, then he was turning the house back over to the realty company." Callie shook her head in disbelief.
Arizona took Callie’s hands in her own "I’m sure Gertie won’t mind if you stay with us....until we find you something......okay? It’ll be all right.....we’ll figure it out together." Arizona placed a kiss on Callie’s lips and wiped a tear away.